♤ Chin Check

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"Hey, you sure you want to go to school today?" Jay asked as he made breakfast.

" I'm sure . School might actually get my mind of a what today is, "Harper sighs as she stuffs a bite of pancakes in her mouth.

" Ok, only if you want to. I know this month is rough. Just know you can talk to me."

" Thanks, Jay. I appreciate it."

" Of course. You're my little sister , I rather have you talk to me than some person who gets paid to listen to private life," Jay says as he walks upstairs to finish getting ready for work .

" He would have been 15 today," Harper whispers once her brother is out of sight.

Jay's Pov

"Does that mean you set a date?" Erin asked about Adam's engagement party.

"Today's the 21st, so six months today," Adam replies.

"Oh man , today's the 21st," Jay states , mainly to himself.

"Ya, it usually follows the 20th; what's up?" Erin states with a hint of morning sarcasm.

"Nothing," Jay replies , untrufly.

"Today is Ben Corson's birthday. He would have been 15, and the key word would be." Jay thinks to himself.

Ben was raped and killed 7 years ago. Case never closed, pedophile never found.
The only alibi they have is Harper.
The day of the kidnapping was engraved in his mind.

July 2007

Harper had just walked 2 streets down to her house to get some apple juice for her and Ben. They have been drawing on the streets with chalk in front of his house. When she returned, Ben was at the end of the 2-way street in the neighborhood.

"Ben, what are you doing over there?" Harper asked, trying to block the sun from her eyes.

" I'm going to get us ice cream at the ice cream truck," Ben replied, holding up his Mickey wallet that contained like 5 bucks.

" Ben, you can't cross the street alone."

" I know that silly. That's why I'm going with an adult."

That's when Harper noticed there was someone with Ben. The sun was covering a lot of the person, but she was able to recognize the little details.

The yellow , beaten up , converse.

The 3 dot tattoo with an x covering it.

That's when it clicked. Ben was with Lonnie Rodiger. The person her mom and brother had said to stay away from.

With that, Harper ran as fast as her 9 year old legs could take her to her house.

She ran up the steps and opened the front door quickly.

" HELP! JAY! HELP! Ben's in trouble", Harper screamed when she entered the house , scarring the adults.

With those 3 words, Harper , Jay , Mrs. And Mr. Corson ran back to the Corsons house.

Not a surprise, Ben was not at the end of the two-way street. All that was there was his wallet and little watch that connected to his parents' phone.

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