♤ Wrong Side of the Bars

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Harper's Pov

"Ok Harper , explain it once more."
The boys and asked about Harper's ethnicity and it became a whole disaster.

" Trev, how do you not understand it."

" Please Benjamin the capacity of your brain doesn't allow it to understand it either."

Harper watched the brothers bicker back and forth over who doesn't understand it.

" Whatever Benj, Harp can you just explain it once again."

"Ok , so my mother was born in Romania and she lived there for 8 years. Her dad was born in Romania and her mom was born in France. Aka my grandparents. Now , my dad was born in Ireland. His mom and dad were both born in Russia. Following so far."

"Yes" they both said simultaneously.

"Good. Now when my mom was 8 months pregnant with my oldest brother who should not be named, they took a trip to Ireland. Now my mom's family house in Romania , my dad's family house in Ireland , and a house my dad inherited from Russia were all payed off and owned without cost, which gave them places to stay rent free .So they stayed at the house in Ireland ."

" Wait - now this makes sense", Trevor whispered.

" My mom went into labor while in Ireland and gave birth their. So once she got pregnant with Jay , she kept the tradition and had him in Russia. Than I was born in Romania. "

" Oh ok, that's makes sense", Trevor said while eating his burger.

" Wait , what's the tradition again," Benjamin asked, still confused.

" My mom wanted all her kids to be born in a different place, so it's a unique quality of each child. Hormone crap. Also better insurance than America."

" ........ I still don't get it."

Harper and Trevor just groaned.

Jay's pov

"I don't know how Antonio's handling all this. If I had a kid snatched up I would be incoherent," Erin says while driving.

Jay looked away, hating to think what would happen if his sister was snatched up. Trying to forget like it almost did happen 7 years ago.

" I use to think cops under Voight were invincible. I was holding Jules hand. As a soldier , how did you deal with it," Erin asked.

"Generally, taking out on those who didn't deserve it", Jay Stated with no emotion.

March 2010

"So how long are you down for mouse. "

"I'm in Chicago for 3 weeks before I go back to Afghanistan Harper "

" Can u come see me Practice this Saturday Mouse."

"Of course Harp. Hey, have you talked to Jay by any chance recently."

"I don't know , last time I saw him he screamed at me for no reason", Harper says tearing up

" Hey", mouse bends down to reach 12 year old Harper's height,"your brother didn't mean it. He's just in a mood, ok."


"Now speaking of your brother , I am going to go see him. I'll see you later."

At Jay's rathole of an apartment

" Jay! Jay! JAYDEN", mouse shouted as he answered Jay's dirty apartment.

"What.... Jay slurs , clearly drunk.

" You were injured to the point of almost death , I get it. You have PTSD from it , I get it . But in no way does that give you the right to take it out on your sister, and no right to ruin your guys relationship over drugs and alcohol. "

"Do you understand me Jayden Halstead.", Mouse states pushing Jay up against the wall.

"Ok , dude , I get it."

" So let's get you clean. Not only for your life but for hers."


Later that day - Halstead Resident

"Ok , what are we going to watch? We have The Outsiders , Friends , and whatever else I can stream", Harper stated getting comfortable on her bed.

"How about the notebook", Benjamin offered with a shrug.

" Someone's becoming a hopeless romantic", Harper teased while finding the moving.

Before Benjamin could retaliate, the phone rang.

" Harper Halstead speaking", Harper
said, picking up the phone.

"Girl , where are you . There's a party going on and there's no Halstead", Molly said, clearly tipsy.

" My brother didn't want me to go."

"When does Harper Halstead listen to her brother", Molly said , a smirk clearly forming on her face.

"Molly, Jay let's me go to parties all the time. The one time he tells me no I'm going to respect it."

"Whatever Harp. Your missing out. Well I'll see you at school tomorrow. Bye bye."

"Bye Molly", Harper said while hanging up and falling back on her bed.

"I'm going to guess Molly called you to see why your not at Johnson's party tonight" Benjamin said falling next to Harper on the bed.

" Spot on. Why didn't you go to the party, your dad said yes

"You would have had no company with your brother working", Benjamin said innocently.

"Well thank you", Harper playing the movie. All of a sudden the front door opens and shuts quickly.

"Hello! Whoever is their, I have a snipper and I know how to use it", Harper said, grabbing her taser and pepper spray quietly.

"It's me Harper", her brother said in a low murmured voice.

"Oh, hi Jay. You obviously know thst was an open threat and I would never touch the gun", Harper said, hoping her brother didn't take her seriously .

"I know", Jay said with no ounce of care.

"How was work", Harper asked trying to change the subject.

"We found my co-workers son and attending the funeral of the Detective who died, what do you think", Jay said sarcastically,while opening a beer bottle.

"Oh", Harper said trying to find the right reply.
" I mean that's what comes with being in a dangerous unit, I told you to stay with Organized crime."

Jay turned around to face his sister with a glare that could kill you.

" Harper , I am going to say this one last time and I hope you finally understand. Any job as a cop is risky, doesn't matter the unit. I earned my spot in Intelligence and I am not going to give it up because my sister is scared. This new unit is a family, our family. Whether you like it or not."

With that, Jay left upstairs to shower and go to bed after an exhausting day of work; leaving two 16 years old surprised at Jay's sudden outburst.

A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter. Next chapter we finally start getting into the Ben Corson Case. Comments & feedback, are highly welcomed.

Solitary       A Halstead Sister StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum