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After nap time, it was sunsets Time to leave. Nanny day unlocked her big girl clothes & She was dressed.

Nanny's day: " I had a great time with you Sunny!"

Sunset Shimmers: " Indeed Daylight!"

Nanny's day: " What was your favorite part of the day?"

Sunset Shimmers: " I like when after snack you change me..."

Nanny Day: " You got gassy! You gassy,gassy, girl..."

Sunset chuckles....: " Yes I kind of am.."

Nanny day begins to put her arm Around Sunset

Nanny Day: " Where you....embarrassed?"

Sunset Shimmers: " Not at all! Because you were farting to!"

Nanny Day: " I guess you could say is (we're both gassy,gassy bum, bum, labum's if you know what I mean!"

They both all laughed out loud and hug each other.

Sunset Shimmers: " You're  more than a Nanny! Your a funny friend!"

Nanny day: " How sweet hon!

Nanny day begins to kiss sunset on the forehead & the 2 head to the lobby where they met

Nanny Day: " Hey sunset, may I ask you something?"

Sunset Shimmer: " Sure."

Nanny day: " Can I please have your phone number?"

Sunset was shocked, why would she what her phone number.

Sunset Shimmer: " Sure but why?"

Nanny day: " So we can be in touch! And I know we just met you don't have to..."

Sunset Shimmers: " well, sure why not!"

Nanny day: " Goodie!"

The 2 exchange phone numbers

Sunset Shimmers: "Do you want to call me when I get home?"

Nanny day: " Sure! I would love that! You're so sweet Sunny!"

To hug Each other and sunset walk to the car AJ has been. She then turns around and say Nanny Day shaking her bottom at sunset, she didn't hesitate & shoke it right back at nanny day and ran to the car. AJ dropped off Sunset and she said goodbye to her and ran to the house to get ready for bed. At 9:00 she called up nanny day.

Sunset: "Hey!"

Nanny day: " HEY bottom Shaker!"

Sunset giggled

Sunset: " You wiggled it first at me!"

Nanny day: " I know but you're still a bottom shaker..."

The 2 giggled and began to take about stuff... Sunset showed her guitar & video games she plays. She gave a tour of her house.
She also told her hobbies.

Nanny Day: " Well ain't you cute sunset... "

Sunset was blushing

Sunset: " Stop....you...."

Nanny day: " Sunset sweetie, to think you're tough. You have a cute side. There's nothing wrong with that!"

Sunset: " You're right.....Thax 🥰"

Nanny day: " Hey are you interested in going to my yoga session tomorrow?"

Sunset was shocked to hear that

Sunset: " Yoga! Why sure , I don't mind. I like to do so yoga.

Nanny day: " ok ,give me your address and I will pick you up at your place tomorrow when am done with my name change. I promise to go slow so you can catch up. Good night!"

Sunset: ok thanks, good night!

Sunset hangs up the phone and texts her address, she was looking forward to seeing her again.

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