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A/N: testing day is in about a week so i'll be cooling down on posting for a bit :(


"So...Amaryllis Soleil, is that correct?"

The orange-eyed drone nodded. "Yes, that's right. I'm Lily's older sister."

"Yep, yep, okay, now let's see here..." The teacher drone adjusted his glasses. "Lily Soleil..." His expression darkened in the slightest. "Recently, her grades have been dropping due to an absence from school..."

"A-absent?" Amaryllis' expression shifted. "I'll talk to Lily about that. Anything about her social life in school?"

"Well..." The teacher flipped through the packet. "Lily has do I put this, reputation for being an outcast. She holds an unusual interest for the murder drones, and it's beginning to become concerning to the point that students actively avoid her in the hallways. Her behavior isn't the best, either, which is one of the main reasons why I wanted to discuss with you."

"Her behavior? No, no, she's a wonderful drone at home, there's no way she'd-" Amaryllis paused. No, there's definitely something that's been going on. "Lily has been leaving the house more and more, despite me telling her not to. Some of the door people have been telling me that she's recently been pickpocketing the drones stationed outside."


"Presumably to open the doors. Khan himself asked me to interrogate Lil, but I never got the opportunity to. I come home late often, so I can never find a good time to talk to Lily. I'll definitely have to have a long discussion with her." Amaryllis shifted in her seat. "How's her behavior in school?"

"Admittedly, not very good. Especially in supplementary classes."

She sighed. "Sounds like Lily would be like that, definitely. Is she at least making an effort to make friends?"

"Not at all." The teacher didn't sound too hesitant to say this. "Like I said before, she has a reputation for being an outcast. Her weird hyperfixations are starting to make quite a few of the other teachers and even students think that she's a little..." He tapped the side of his head. "You know. Something might have happened during her data transfer."

Amaryllis sat there, hands folded, sitting up straight.

"I personally would recommend you have a psychologist talk to Lily about this. I can recommend you to a couple of people who could help you out." The teacher began to write a couple of phone numbers on a piece of scrap paper.

"...I'm sorry. It's just our parents' deaths hit both of us pretty hard, and I'm not making the excuse that her...situation was directly caused by that, but since her mother passed..." Amaryllis paused. "...She hasn't really been entirely there. You get what I mean, hopefully."

The teacher sighed. "I understand you're worried for your little sister, but..." He looked back at his notes. "She really needs to snap out of whatever trance she's put herself into. And she really has to be coming to school."

"I see..." Amaryllis stood up. "Thanks for telling me all this. I'll be taking my leave now."

"Hey, you there." A pink-eyed drone called at Amaryllis. "You're the older sis of that freak, right?"

"Yeah. If you want to call her that."

"Tell her that she's gonna be DJ-ing prom. We need someone, and she's better than that purple thing. Plus she's techy."

"...I'll be sure to let her know."


Amaryllis walked through the hallways with her head down.

Lily...Oh, Lily, what happened to the happy little girl I loved?


"Ai! AI!" I chased after the green pixels in the air to no avail. "Dang it..."

I tried looking for another collection of green pixels. That was Ai. I could've sworn it was. I sighed. "And here I thought I could find her."

I looked around one more time and saw another burst of green pixels.

"Ai! Aiiiiii!" I called out while running after the pixels. "Waaaiiiit!"

That attempt was in vain.

Am I seeing things now?


"So...pull the little string..." I had the mechanism clipped around two of my fingers. I tugged at the little metal cube. It swung down at the side. "Then if I made this properly..." I shook my hand and a clicking sound came from the device. " works." I reset the device, took it off my hand, and pocketed it. "This should work."

I hopped off my chair and went out to get a snack (batteries. They taste good. Honestly. Underrated snack.) Whatever this three-pointed star triangle hexagon demon program was, it was really coming in handy. I used it to grab a pack of batteries from a bookshelf, open it, and pop one into my mouth.

Something didn't taste right though.

Normally, the batteries would have a little more of a sour and bitter taste.

But this time, it tasted sweet.

Huh. Weird. New brand, possibly?

I checked the pack, but it was the same thing I normally snack on. Some generic alkaline batteries.

Is something happening to me?

??? POV:

I watched L frantically try and find me.

It was pretty fun to watch him struggle like that, but I was starting to think that this was pretty mean of me.

I don't really want to make myself known to him just yet. I doubt he really remembers me. I'll wait until he starts remembering his past a little more.

I outstretched my wings. Oh well. Time to find some worker drones. 

word count: 884

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