⋆ ★ 03.

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Cheri shivered, holding her jacket closer to her body. The sun had set and it was now around 1 AM when she entered the connivence store.

The boy at the register smiled when he looked up. "Hey." She gave a small grin back, placing her elbows on the counter and her face in her hands.
"Hey, cutie." She teased. His smile faltered a little as he rubbed his neck, obviously flustered by Cheri's use of the nickname.

Anton excused himself as he went into the break room, coming back quickly with a packet and pen. "Um, just fill that out." Cheri grabbed the items and he pointed to a table behind some shelving, "You can sit over there, um I'm going to stock some stuff so um just let me know when you're done." She nodded and sat at the table.

It was silent except for the sound of the pen against paper and the quiet music playing from the speakers. "Is it fun working here?" Cheri asked, already bored of writing. Anton made a face like he was unsure, "It's pretty boring for the most part but, people don't usually come around at these times so..."

They stared at each other for a moment before breaking into giggles not being able to take one another seriously.
"So could I work night and day shifts or would it only be one?" Cheri asked deciding to go back to the paper with a ghost of a smile on her face.
"Yeah uh...I don't know.."

The silence was cut off by the sound of the door opening, "Yoo Anton! Let me get something before you close up." A tall hooded figure peaked from around the shelf, freezing up when he noticed another person was with his friend. "Oh hi..."

Cheri waved but didn't say anything, afraid she'd burst out laughing. Anton sighed and guided his friend away from that section scolding him quietly about being loud.

About 5 minutes later they came back, now that his hood was down, she recognized the boy as Sungchan. He put his hand out and introduced himself, sitting in-front of her. She took his hand in hers and shook it, introducing herself as-well.

The three held a conversation. Well, more like Sungchan and Cheri switching from topic to topic and Anton piping in every now and then while she finished the application. Handing it to Anton, they all stood and walked to the front. "I'll message you when my dad goes over this." Anton assured, putting the paper, along with his vest, behind the counter and following the others out of the shop.

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