1.1 - coma

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summary - [first name] wakes up from her coma with a jumbled memory.

Some people had better powers than others. For example the number two hero in Japan (that's right, hero! like, superheroes!), Endeavor, was able to shoot flames and stuff, while there were people out here who had fucking spray bottles for heads. It was unfortunate. Seriously. Even worse, you could be born quirkless. In this society, that's genuinely one of the worst things you can be.

You thought you were quirkless, but it turned out you were just a late bloomer. Yeah, at 15, you ate and ate and ate until you had gained nearly 70 pounds in five months, which is not normal. You never noticed how much you ate, it was like your stomach was a black hole!

At school you started getting bullied for being obese, but you were already bullied for being quirkless. It made your life hell, and you ate even more. But after those five months, you fell into a coma. Your parents, naturally concerned about you – you know, as parents are supposed to be – they carried your limp body to the ER.

The doctors announced that you were in a coma, duh, but it was induced by food and a concussion. You were there for a year and a half. You're 17, now. You missed a whole ass year and then some of school because your fatass ate so much.

The nurses monitoring your vitals didn't notice the strange webs around your hospital cot at first, but when it became visible, they didn't do shit. And thank God for that. The webs hardened and formed your cocoon, which you were in for a few months – developing. At one point, the hospital called an entomologist, or someone who studies insects. She proposed that it was your quirk, and even though you were listed as quirkless for the last 15 years, they listened to her.

The weekly X-rays the doctors took told them that your body was liquifying itself, which is fucking disgusting.

It turned out that all that eating was for a good reason. The nutrients from all the foods you ate transformed into all your new appendages, and muscles, and height. When you "hatched" it was shocking to everyone. You had transformed from a fat little shit into a majestic beauty. Well, you were a "majestic beauty" compared to your past self. Right now, you were probably an 8/10, so above average, but nothing special. Although, your body was definitely nicer. Before, you were 156 cm, or roughly 5'1". Your change caused you to grow seven inches. You now stood at a solid 175 cm, or 5'9".

You had spent so long unconscious that your memories were jumbled. You forgot about people from the past, but you could remember most things, such as your background. You were an orphan at some shitty orphanage and you had one friend there. Everyone else was rude to you for being a quirkless runt. The way you couldn't remember who that friend was really, really pissed you off. All you could recall were their eyes. Sharp, golden eyes. When you were around seven, you were adopted by your now parents.

Your parents sobbed when they first saw you had woken up. And they wailed when the doctors told them that you had a form of memory loss.

The first day out of the hospital felt uncanny. You towered over your mom and dad, which was weird because your dad used to be over a head taller than you.

They led you to your bedroom, which had been collecting dust ever since you went into a coma. The room was an absolute time capsule and memories flooded into your brain. It was the epitome of a teenage girl: pale cream walls with at least seven posters on every wall, a queen-sized bed with floral pink sheets and way too many plushies, a shelf filled with pictures and old dolls, clothes strewn across the hardwood floor, translucent pink curtains, and a vanity covered in makeup and body sprays. The air was stale, and it was clear no one had entered it in the last year and a half. You gravitated towards the shelves filled with pictures.

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