Description/Authors Note

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Tomasa Olsen's Life has been tough and it always will be, but not just because her mother is THE ELIZABETH OLSEN, matter of fact no one even knows that Elizabeth has a daughter. Except the doctor that helped birth her. Her mom wanted her to have a life as normal as it could get, and she did, for the most part. The other part though...

First things first she was a lesbian, and she was born with a male appendage. She was also getting bullied, but of course she hasn't told her mom. Why would she? She doesn't see her that much anyway, but we'll get back to that. A talent she has is she can play any instrument without any experience, due to her perfect pitch. She can also speak multiple languages, cool I know, but her dreams have always been to act, sing, and dance. And of course her mom doesn't know about that either, as you can tell she doesn't tell her mom lots of things, she's just not really close with her. Because she is always away filming. As for her Father, he left when she wasn't even born yet, she obviously never even knew what he looked like. But she didn't need him, she didn't need anyone... except Katelyn.

Katie, as Tommy calls her, has been her babysitter since she was maybe 6 years old, that was also when she realized her mom would not be there to hold her hand until she was ready to let go. Katie always tells Tommy that she can tell her anything and everything. So naturally Katie knows almost everything about Tomasa, which means she also knows about her HUGE crush on Hailee Steinfeld, a girl in her grade (Which is 11th grade.) Will Tomasa and her mom reconnect? Will she fulfill her dream of becoming an actress, dancer, and singer? Read to find out!

A/N: Hello! My name is Reese and I am the author, just wanted to say a few things. First thing, please don't expect me to post often, I will most likely post on the weekends because of school. Second, I have another book on my page please check it out when you have the chance, it is still kinda on hold but I plan to write in it again. And third, please comment and vote on my chapters! Only if you want to of course but please interact with me I'm kinda lonely... Anyway, and lastly, please feel free to correct me on any mistakes or typos! 

Thank you for reading, ENJOY!

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