Chapter 16

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*Wren's P.O.V*

Being alone is weird and I don't like it, I decide after Citra leaves. Her and her wives left and so did Cassiopeia. I miss Citra holding me already. They had only left a little bit ago, saying that they would be back soon but I didn't much care for soon. I wanted now!

I throw myself down on the couch, blowing a raspberry at the ceiling. I wince as all that does is get some spit on my face. I wipe my face, grossed off by my own actions. I lift my legs up in the air, letting them drop back down onto the couch. I do that a few more times, stopping as I realize that I am doing nothing to actually entertain myself.

"I'm going to go do something fun." I trail off, trying to ponder what I could do that would actually be fun and keep me entertained. I could go bowling but you couldn't bowl alone, mini golf wasn't fun to do alone either. Nothing was fun to do alone!

I get up, stomping my feet as I throw a jacket on over my shirt and put my shoes on. I could go barefoot but Cassiopeia won't let me do that anymore. She said it was dangerous and when I pointed out that I was an immortal vampire, she also said that I was bringing gross germs all over my floors. Which she had a point but it still made me sad that she had one. It's not like Cassiopeia would get mad at me if I did it, she just said I shouldn't and so I listened cause I kinda like listening to her.

I walk down the steps, jumping to land on the sidewalk. I start a brisk walk, tugging my hood up to cover my face. I don't like the sun. It didn't burn or anything, I just didn't like the bright light. It hurt my eyes most of the time.

Once I'm in the woods, I take off running. I enjoy the breeze that hits me, spinning around as I run until I hit a tree. I stagger back, staring at the tree that had dared to get in my way. I kick it, regretting it when the wood cracks and splinters. "I'm sorry," I whisper as I crouch down, trying to fix the crack with my fingers.

I hear a whining noise, making me tilt my head. It sounded like a doggy. Why would a doggy be in the middle of the woods? I tilt my head, taking a couple steps towards it before walking much quicker towards it. I nearly fell over the doggy since it's laying on the ground.

It's a husky...I think. It's grey and white and fluffy so it must be a husky. It certainly smells like a bloody, wet dog. I look it over, realizing that its leg is caught in some metal trap. I furrow my eyebrows, seeing the husky lift its head. It snarls, it's fangs showing. It has a bloody mouth, the blood smelling like deer meat. I smile, showing it my fangs which seems to confuse it.

"Is okay puppy, I take care of you," I say as I crouch down. I flinch when the husky lunges at me, its teeth nearly getting my arm before I jerk away. "No, bad dog. No bite!" I scold as I shake my finger, making the husky tilt it's head. I crouch down again, prying the trap off of its leg.

The husky stumbles up, trying to walk away. It ends up tripping, falling and laying on the ground. I walk over to it, petting its head as I look around.

"I get you some meat, you're so skinny," I inform the dog. "You stay," I say sternly before running off. It's not that hard to find a deer although it's much harder to jump on one and kill it. I feel bad for it so I whisper an apology after killing an old one and drag it back towards the husky.

"Here doggy, you eat," I say as I drop the deer in front of the husky. The husky looks at me, its ears flicking in confusion before it digs into the deer. I watch as it rips fresh from bone, surprised at how effective it is at ripping flesh apart.

"I wish I had fangs like you, mine don't do that. I don't want them to though. I only like drinking from blood bags," I explain to the doggy as I sit down next to it. I realize that the doggy is a she after a moment. "You're a girl doggy? You're a pretty girl doggy," I inform her, watching as her ears flick at my words.

"You can come home with me. I live alone and it's kind of lonely but you can stay and I will get you as much meat as you want, does that sound good?" I ask the doggy, giggling when her tail wags. I watch her eat, letting her eat most of the deer meat since it was a pretty skinny deer. I have to look away for a bit, only looking at her when she nudges my hand with her nose. I pick her up, surprised at how big she is once I actually pick her up. She's nearly as big as me, she would be as big as me if she stood on her back legs.

I super speed back home, taking a back way with not many people. I climb the steps to my house, opening the door as I carry my new doggy inside. I lay her down on the couch, going to get a bowl of warm water and washrag. I bring it to her, carefully wiping her face and leg off. She lets me, watching me with her ears pricked forward. Her yellow eyes follow my every move, only relaxing when I leave and return back with a bowl of water and hold it up for her to drink from.

She slurps from the bowl, downing all the water in it in a matter of minutes. I giggle once she's done. "I'm gonna call you Fluffy," I say, giggling when her ears pin back against her head. "I'm kidding, I'm gonna call you....Lark. My name is Wren so we can be Wren and Lark," I inform her with a proud smile. Her tail wags as she leans closer, licking my face so I think she likes it.

"Okay Lark, we're best friends now," I inform her, clapping my hands excitedly.

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