Chapter 14

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*Wren's P.O.V*

I cling to Cassiopeia, refusing to be set down for any reason. She lifts me up, letting my legs wrap around her waist as she carries me back into the living room. I thought she would tell me that I have to let go or something but she just sits down, letting me cry into her chest.

"Poor darling," Cassiopeia whispers as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"I don't like falling in love, it's mean to me," I manage to say, earning a small hum from her.

"I know sweetheart, I know. It's not fair and I don't expect you to lose your feelings for him. I just want you to be safe and the safest place for you is away from him," Cassiopeia states. I nod my head slightly, my nose pressing into her skin slightly. I take a small breath, the smell of lavender and cherries filling my nose.

"You smell good," I murmur, the words escaping since my brain doesn't process the words until I am already speaking them. Cassiopeia chuckles, the action shaking her chest slightly as she tilts my head up when I try to push my face further into her chest.

"Don't hide your face little bird," Cassiopeia states as she presses a kiss to my forehead. I huff as I lift my head up slightly, looking her in the eyes.

"I'm not hiding it anymore," I point out, sticking my tongue at her.

"Watch it little brat," she warns as her eyes narrow slightly. I roll my eyes, squealing when she pinches my leg lightly.

"Rude!" I say as I sit up, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Rolling your eyes is rude, little one, and it got you to quit crying didn't it?" she asks as she raises an eyebrow. I curse her for having a good point and turn around so that my back is to her. I'm still sitting on her lap so she just wraps her arms around my waist so I stay there.

"Are you pouting?" Ife asks, sounding amused. I narrow my eyes at her and she raises her hands in surrender when she sees me looking at her.

"That's what I thought," I say as I put my hands on my hips, making her raise an eyebrow.

"Watch the attitude," Cassiopeia warns, her voice quiet in my ear. I shake my head as I turn to glance back at her, sticking my tongue out slightly.

"What has happened to you being good, little one? Has that attitude gone down the drain since you were upset?" Viola asks, making me glance at her. Having so many people to talk to was kind of complicated but fun! Especially since they all kept talking to me which meant I was the center of their attention at the moment.

"Yes," is all I say even though it's not the truth. It's not really because I was upset but rather because it's fun to give them attitude.

"Well can you get in a better mood and lose the attitude?" Cassiopeia asks as she tickles my sides, making me giggle and squirm. I try to fall out of her lap, turning over as I try to drag myself across the couch to escape.

"Save me," I beg Citra, who is sitting on the arm of the couch. She's barely sitting but her legs are off the ground so she's doing a balancing act to stay seated. At least I think she is but she doesn't even wobble as I grab onto her arm.

"Are you in a better mood?" she asks as Cassiopeia tries to drag me away, trying to tickle me again.

"Yes...yes!" I agree quickly as I look at her with wide eyes.

"Are you sure?" Citra asks as she tilts her head.

"Yes!" I nod my head and Citra sighs as she gets up, moving to take me from Cassiopeia.

"I don't like sharing Citra," Cassiopeia says as she lifts me up, holding me close. I try to squirm to get away, reaching for Citra.

"Well the little one doesn't want you, she wants me," Citra says as she tries to grab me. Cassiopeia twists away, keeping her arms around me even as I try to wriggle out of her hold. I manage to start sliding down but Cassiopeia turns me so that I'm facing her and she can hold me properly.

"I believe the saying is finders keepers, losers weepers," Cassiopeia says as she carries me out of the living room. That seems to start something with Citra and I have to deal with Cassiopeia running from room to room while carrying me.

It turns into a giant game of keep away with even Ife and Viola joining in. Surprisingly they're working with Cassiopeia, I think that's just to mess with Citra though. Although Citra does not look pleased with either of them and says something that makes Viola sit down and Ife to have to leave to another room to catch her breath. They're both smiling though so it can't be anything too bad.

Cassiopeia finally loses when Citra tries to tackle her but Cassiopeia has the grace to sit me down on the bed before leaving the room and getting tackled. I think she knew what was going to happen but just decided to let it happen.

"That was fun," I say when Citra enters the room. "Can you do that again?" I ask curiously as I tilt my head, noticing the look of triumphant on her face.

"I could but I won't," Citra says as she lifts me up. I suppose I should protest but I choose not to complain.

"Rude. Not even if I ask nicely?" I ask with a small pout on my lips.

"Not even if you asked super nicely," Citra says, making me huff.

"I don't want you to hold me anymore," I decide, squirming to get down. I think it takes her by surprise because she actually lets me go.

"I have just chased Cassiopeia around for thirty minutes to save you and you have the audacity to tell me to put you down?" Citra asks and I nod. "Come here," she says and I decide to pull a Cassiopeia and run out of the room.

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