Chapter 8

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*Wren's P.O.V*

There was something oddly peaceful about sitting on the floor with Ife reading through the vampire laws above me. It was soothing in the fact that it felt normal, something I hadn't felt in so long. Ife seemed to enjoy the simplicity of the action, reading to me quietly as her hand gently stroked my hair.

Viola and Citra were sitting on the couch as well but they seemed more than happy to have Ife take the lead in reading about the laws. My head rested on Ife's knee as she read, her hand moving in a small circle as she smoothed out my hair.

"Are we interrupting?" Draven asked, sounding amused. My head snapped up to look at him and I smiled softly.

"When have you cared about interrupting?" Viola asked as she raised an eyebrow. I looked back and forth between the two and it was clear that they usually had this type of banter.

"Since I took him to a training class," Cassiopeia said as she appeared behind him, a small smile on her lips when she saw me. "Hello little bird," she cooed softly. I flushed at the nickname but got up anyway, heading over to her and holding out my arms. She laughed as she picked me up, resting me on her hip.

I had never asked for her to hold me before but I had expressed the desire that I would very much like to be held all the time. She had promised that all I had to do was hold out my arms and she would hold me whenever I liked. Right now I wanted to be held although I couldn't explain why. It was just this urge that was buried in my mind.

"Aren't you just darling today?" Cassiopeia muttered as she moved to sit on the couch opposite of Citra and her wives.

I whined softly at the question, pushing my face into the crook of her neck and refusing to answer her. I just wanted to be held, that was all. I didn't have any rhyme or reason as to why.

"She wasn't this cuddly earlier," Citra said softly.

"She doesn't know you as well as she knows me, of course she'll want to cling to me," Cassiopeia said simply. Cassiopeia seemed triumphant about that, like she was happy that I had gone to her over Citra. Citra wouldn't have known I had wanted to be held though, Cassie just knew me a little better is all.

"Cassie, be nice," I said as I leaned back, tapping her nose warningly. Cassie raised an eyebrow as she looked down at me.

"I am sorry little bird," Cassie laughed as she kissed my hand gently. "Don't call me Cassie though," she said simply.

"Is a nice nickname," I stated simply. "You call me little bird, you are Cassie," I shrugged. My head felt fuzzy at the moment, I felt so small compared to all the other vampires in the room.

"Well little bird is a nice nickname," Cassie stated.

"I really not 'llowed to call you Cassie?" I asked softly, pouting slightly. I wanted an honest answer from her.

"You can call me Cassie baby," Cassie sighed after a moment. "Only she can call me," she said after a moment as she looked across the room to everyone else.

"But it is such a cute nickname," Citra said with a small huff.

"I will end you Citra," Cassie threatened.

"Not if I end you first," Citra said simply.

"Nooo, don't hurt each other," I whined softly as I frowned.

"I'm only kidding baby," Cassie sighed softly. I turned to look at Citra who sighed softly.

"I'm not going to hurt Cassiopeia," Citra promised.

I sighed in relief, pushing my face against Cassie who gently rocked me. Her hand rested on my back and I found myself feeling so small at the moment.

"Do you need a nap darling?" Viola asked after a moment. I shook my head, pressing my face further into Cassie's shoulder as my eyes closed. Vampires didn't need to sleep at all, that was the one cool thing about being a vampire. Vampires still could sleep and I liked to sleep during the days I didn't want to talk with people.

"I think you do," Cassie murmured. I shook my head even more at her words, a small pout on my lips. She couldn't see that I was pouting so I expressed my displeasure of the idea of napping by not hugging onto her anymore.

"I don't need a nap," I whined softly as I pushed away from her, letting her see me pout.

"Yes you do," Cassie and Citra said at the same time. I pushed off of Cassie, moving over to Ife who gladly let me sit on her lap.

"Just close your eyes and pretend darling, you don't have to actually nap," Ife promised me. I nodded my head, closing my eyes. She rocked me slightly and I kept my eyes closed, staying tense and curled up the whole time. After a bit, I started to relax.

"Ife, she needs to actually nap. Not play nap," Viola said. Ife hushed her as she continued to rock me, my face buried into her dress.

"Yes, shush Viola," Cassie said. That made me giggle softly as Ife continued to rock me.

The fuzziness in my mind felt so nice and I allowed myself to sink into it. The feeling of being small was just so nice and I found my body relaxing against my will.

Before I knew it I was drifting off into actual sleep, feeling Ife move me. She carried me down the hall and I was laid down in my bed. The blankets were tucked around me as she hummed softly, the bed dipping as she sat next to me.

"Not sleepy," I muttered as I managed to open my eyes for a moment before they closed again.

"Sure you're not," Viola whispered as she sat down on the other side of me, gently rubbing my back. I whined softly but didn't have the energy to protest against it, drifting off to sleep again while listening to them whisper back and forth.

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