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Theodore's POV.

I can't fucking believe Charlie went through my phone. She always says she's not going to try to be a parent to me and yet she's trying to control who I date. I try to keep my mind away from the interaction with Charlie this morning, but thinking about my usual distraction only gets me thinking even more about Charlie. This whole situation is stupid, if she just respected my privacy, and our boundaries I wouldn't be pissed, she wouldn't be pissed, and we would both enjoy having Aaron here.

Since I doubt Charlie has told Aaron why I live with her I keep thinking about how she mentioned Brenda and the confusion that probably brought to Aaron, hopefully she explained it when I left this morning.

At lunch I feel my phone buzz with a text from Ant telling me to meet him in the library. I excuse myself from my table and head to the library, spotting Ant by the doors, I smile when I see his face light up when his eyes land on me. We meet in the middle of the library and he pulls me to a secluded shelf area and pulls me into a hug.

"I wanted to see you, so I could give you a hug and a kiss for the weekend," he admits before pressing his lips against mine in a chaste kiss.

I blush sprouting a big smile and wrapping my arms around his neck. I thank him for admitting that and then I remember Charlie.

"I have to tell you something," I whisper.

"What's up?" he hums.

"Charlie used parental controls, or whatever the hell she used and she snooped through my phone and saw our texts, we blew up at each other because what she did was a complete invasion of my privacy, and yours, and she didn't fucking see that," I tell him.

"Oh, well I'm glad she knows, now I can kiss you in front of her and neither of us will be thrown out of the closet in front of her," He says finding a silver lining.

"I guess, although I'm not sure how comfortable I am with kissing in front of my sister," I say making him laugh.

"I guess that makes sense, I wouldn't be that comfortable doing that in front of my siblings either," he admits.

"The bell is about to ring and I should head to my next class, I'm glad I got to see you Ant," I tell him before pecking his cheek and heading to my class.

After school Nav and I head to GSA as this will be our friday routine. Anthony catches my eye in the hallway and says his goodbyes to his friends before catching up to Nav and I.

"Where are you guys headed?" he asks sticking close to me, but not too close.

"GSA I dragged Theo along last week and I'm dragging him along this week too," Naveeah states.

"Is it cool if I tag along?" Anthony asks.

"Sure?" Naveeah responds, probably thinking that he doesn't think he has to ask her to attend.

"Awesome," he says smiling, I'm not sure if I have made him aware that Nav knows about us, making a mental note to do so eventually.

We walk to the GSA classroom and upon entering, Violet and Emerald stop their conversation and gawk at Anthony, he pays them no mind and plops down in a seat pulling me down next to him. I try to fight a blush.

The meeting starts and I can tell Violet is uncomfortable with Anthony's presence which makes me feel bad. One thing led to another and Anthony made a comment about Emerald's whole personality trait being that she's gay.

"I am bisexual, and not that I'd expect someone with a brain the size of a pea to understand but sexuality, and gender even, are such a small part of a person's entire identity that it really should be insignificant and and there should be no real push back against the LGBTQ+ community. Just because I like girls and guys doesn't freaking mean that I only wear pink, blue, and purple and scream 'I'M A BISEXUAL HALF THE TIME I DON'T UNDERSTAND EITHER' it just means I happen to like two genders, but I also like skateboarding, ballet, romantic comedies, and so much more. Everyone has so much more to them than what conservatives make it out to look like," Emerald states defending herself.

Anthony stays quiet, taking a moment to process what Emerald has just told him. Then he says something I can't believe.

"I think you just helped me resolve a struggle," He starts his eyes widening a fraction, "I've been struggling with this for a while, at least since I saw my 'crush' and you have finally put into perspective for me, I-I am bisexual," he says before repeating it again and sounding even more sure. I can't help the way my heart swells and how badly I want to kiss him to tell him he's amazing and I'm proud of him.

His statement must have shocked Emerald (and the room), so much that it took their breath away. Violet is the first to speak, clearing her throat and saying;

"Welcome to the Alphabet mafia, we're so happy that you're here," she says holding back a laugh. I'm grateful Violet said something first as I can see the tension in everyone's shoulder's dissipate.

"I know my friends, me included, have done some shitty things in the past to all of you, and I'm so sorry, none of you deserved that," he says his eyes glistening.

"I'm not saying what was done is forgiven, but I forgive you. You didn't know what you were doing," Violet responds, piquing my curiosity. What did Ant and his friends do? I'll ask him later..

"How long have you known?" Emerald asks changing the subject.

"Uhm since the start of the school year," Anthony responds.

"Can I ask who you like?" Abby asks getting excited, "Judgement free zone," She clarifies.

"I would tell you, but he knows and I'm not sure how comfortable he is, or if he's even out yet so I'd feel like I was violating his privacy if I told you," Anthony tells the room, earning a nod of respect from Naveeah and Emerald.

Pushing away my nerves I tale the reigns and say; "He likes me, I like him, and we're dating."

Anthony looks at me, smiles and then presses a chaste kiss to my lips, letting me know I read his signs correctly. When we pull away there are a lot of questions, we answer them and then it's time for the meeting to end. Anthony, Naveeah, and I walk out to the cars. Naveeah offers to take me home, as does Anthony and then Naveeah withdraws her offer telling me to hang out with my boyfriend.

"Bye Nav, see you monday! Do your homework!" I shout to her as she gets in her car.

"If you can't see me I'm flipping you off!" she shouts back, making me laugh.

Ant and I get into his car and he takes me home we engage in small talk, holding each other's hand. Once we arrive I invite him in but he tells me his mother needs him home, so I begrudgingly let him go with a peck on the cheek. Then I walk inside my house reminding myself of Charlie and I's fight from this morning.

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