//Chapter 2// You like Who!?

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As I am walking away I suddenly bump into someone.

Ein: "Ow!"

Noi: "I-I am so sorry- oh it's you... Sorry..."

Ein: "Whatever just watch where you are going."

Noi: "You weren't looking Either, otherwise we would not have walked into each other."

Ein: "Yeah, yeah... Whatever-"

I look at noi he is all flustered. What's got him all like that.

Ein: "Uhm Noi? What's up with you? You are like all red."

Noi: "Hm? O-oh I was just thinking about something... Actually it's something you can help me with... Could I possibly ask for a favor?"

What would Noi want with me!?

Ein: "I ain't doing shit for you-"

Noi: "I will give you fifty gold!"

Ein: "f-fifty!? You got yourself a deal! What is it?"

Noi looks away for a bit and blushes deeply he then looks back at me.

Noi: "You see... I kinda have a crush on Pierce..."

Ein: "WHAT YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON PIERCE-" I yell before he covers my mouth with his hand. I don't know why but knowing he likes Pierce is making me feel what's the word... Jealous? Fuck what's wrong with me today!? First Aaron now Pierce-

Noi: "Shhh! Not so loud! He might be around!" He says as he lowers his hand away from my mouth.

Ein: "So what do you want me to do about it."

Noi: "W-well you're his best friend and you know him like the most so I thought you could ask if he has a crush and who it may be..."

Ein: "Oh~ you want me to ask if he likes you."

Noi: "YES! damn it just doesn't make it too obvious."

Ein: "Yeah yeah, I mean I get fifty gold out of this."

Noi: "T-thanks Ein. Tell me next time you see me."

Ein: " will do...."

Noi waves goodbye I do the same, I just stand there, I feel so hurt when he said he liked Pierce and when Aphmau and Aaron were making out- it just feels wrong...

(5 minutes later)

I decide to walk over to Pierce's house to ask the question. As I walk closer to Pierces house I start to get butterflies. WHY AM I SO NERVOUS!? I feel my body warm up with every step.

As I approach the door I take a deep breath and knock on the door as the door opened Pierce looks at me with a smile.

Pierce: "Hey there bud! Come in! I was actually getting bored, glad you came."

I nodded and walked inside. We both sat on the couch very close together Pierce keeps moving closer and closer by the minute... I feel a light blush come up on my cheeks.

Pierce: "So what brings you here, Ein?"

I sit there quiet for a few seconds before I start to speak.

Ein: "I came over to talk and hang out because I was also bored! But... I wanna ask you something."

Pierce tilts his head and kinda just looks at me.

Pierce: "It's great you wanna hang out buddy! But what would you like to talk about?"

I sit there anxiously, my whole body trembling my face beet red.

Ein: "W-well I guess that I came here to ask if... If!" I take a deep breath and continue talking.

Ein: "Well I guess you could say... Uhm- If you had to have romantic feelings for a certain someone on the server, who would it be?"

Pierces expression shifted from a smile to a flustered face. He looked down at his lap and then he spoke.

Pierce: "W-well I guess you could say Mac is Pretty cute, so is Kim. But I'm not interested in girls..."

Ein: "W-what do you mean by your not interested."

Pierce: "W-well I am gay."

My mouth drops and I look at Pierce surprised.
He scratches the back of his head with a sheepish grin. I can tell he is sweating.

Ein: "W-wow... Well thats a surprise. I wasn't expecting that... But good for you!"

Pierce smiles and I can tell he is blushing.

Pierce: "Thank you, Ein. That means a lot."

Ein: "No problem Pierce! Us guys need to stick together! Always and forever!" I say with a smile.

Pierce: "Right! So uhm back to what you were saying."

Ein: "Oh right so have you got any romantic interest in anyone? Zane, Noi?"

Pierce looks at me smiling and all red.

Pierce: "W-well it's not Zane or uhm Noi... But yeah I do infact have someone in mind... Actually maybe two someone's..."

My eyes widen in shock. He is polyamorous!? I didn't know that- well I guess I didn't know he was gay until like a minute ago. And I guess he isn't interested in Noi. Whoops sorry Noi.

Ein: "S-so if it isn't Noi or Zane and your into guys who is it?" I ask.

He suddenly moves closer to me I start to blush on how close his face is to mine. Suddenly he pushes me down he is now on top of me.

Ein: " P-Pierce!?" I yelp. I can feel his fingers tracing patterns along my side and the other hand is caressing my cheek.

Ein: "Pierce?"

Pierce: "I..." But he didn't finish he just went in and kissed me!? This is my first kiss and oh my god he is good.

Ein: "Mmngh!"

Pierce then pulls away and smiles.

Pierce: "Your one of the people Ein..." He says softly. My eyes widen but then they relax again.

Ein: "I... You like me?"

Pierce: "Yes you dumbass, I just kissed you!"

I blush intensely but then smile.

Ein: "I... I like you too..." Now I understand why I was feeling awkward and weird when noi said he liked Pierce. Wait I felt the same with Aaron does this mean im- oh shit-.

AND DONE HOPE YOU ENJOYED! I will be making a new chapter either today or tomorrow! ❤️ Hope you enjoy your day/night!

(1009 words! Woooo!!!!!)

My two Boyfriends//Ein x Pierce x AaronWhere stories live. Discover now