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"Take them there, it'll be easier for them to start a new life there."

"Got it Grandma"

"Do you have everything?"

"Yeah I do."

The grandmother nodded, glancing back to see the group of five waiting behind them.

"Here, for your travels."

"Ah- it's okay really you've already done more than-"

With one look from the older woman, Chaewon bowed her head as she received the box, "thank you so much."

"My grandson will take you to an apartment complex that you all can stay in, she won't ask for a charge or identification."

"Huh- Why not?"

The grandmother smiled, "that complex used to be owned by a fallen angel decades ago, long before any of you were born... Now that complex is run by the angel's child. I don't believe that there are any more angels that reside there, but she still takes your kind in when needed."

She gestured to the boy, "she knows me and my grandchildren well, she'll know what to do when she sees him."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course, stay safe on your travels."

She smiled one last time, "and enjoy your life on Earth."

She watched as the girls waved at both her and her granddaughter, the youngest catching her eye.

'There was a girl close to her age that fell a few years back... But I suppose that if they fell at different times... I shouldn't bring it up.'

The group hopped onto a minivan, and as soon as they were ready, the boy began to drive.

"It's gonna take a couple hours to get to the edge of the city, you guys can rest and if you guys need it, food and water bottles are in that box next to you, Kazuha."

"Got it, thank you."

The boy nodded, keeping his eyes on the empty road...





"Have we been here?"

"Not that I remember, nothing looks familiar to me..."

The group passed into the city, the barren landscape that slowly turned to small neighborhoods of houses turned to buildings squashed next to each other alongside parks and alleyways.

The sun was high in the sky, some of the buildings and signs sending a glare as they drove through the city.

"We're here."

"Thank you so much for driving this far for us."

The boy nodded as they all got off the van, "of course, I'll hold that for you guys."

Each of them had a small bag on them, and the boy held a box of items as they walked into a building with a dimly lit lobby.

The woman at the front glanced up, her eyes widening from noticing the boy.

"Why hello there, it's been quite some time since I've seen you around."

The boy smiled at the woman, "hello ma'am, I hope you've been well?"

"Why yes I have..."

She glanced behind him at the group of five girls standing awkwardly.

"Are they..."

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