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"so... what do we call you now?" Tooth asks, randomly. Jack has been hanging out at her palace for about an hour, just looking around. he looks up at her confused.

"huh?" Jack ask.

"your real name is Yaca, Jackfruit, right? so, what do you want to be called? I know Bunny has all kinds of nicknames for you, but what do you actually want to be called?" Tooth asks, floating down closer to him. Bunny had several nicknames for Jack : Jackfruit, Fruit Fly, Snowflake, Frostbite, Snowdrop, Flower, Tooth isn't wrong, but those are just for Bunny to use. Jack stares a little in thought, before shrugging.

"well, I'm only Yaca to Bunny. like he's only Aster to me. Pookan names are kinda intimate when you're the only two left, I guess. besides, it means Jackfruit..." Jack shrugs.

"thats so cute he accidentally had a plant named after you." Tooth grins. accidentally, right. Jack shakes his head.

"and besides, they all still mean Jack, one way or another. Yaca, Jackfruit, Jack Overland, Jack Frost. its all Jack. I guess no matter the planet my name was meant to be Jack." Jack shrugs. Tooth smiles at him.

"thats beautiful Jack." Tooth murmurs. Jack smiles at her.

"I guess so." Jack chuckles softly.

"hey Jack?" Tooth asks.

"yeah?" Jack smiles.

"can I ask you a question?" Tooth asks.

"sure." Jack chuckles, tail swishing behind him in amusement.

"um... how come you... haven't used yuor human form in weeks..?" Tooth asks. Jack frowns, looking away from her.

"its... it looks different now. it doesn't look the same anymore." Jack says softly.

"different?" Tooth asks. Jack sighs, shifting forms quietly. Tooth stares at him, shocked. he's slightly bulkier thank before, six foot even, and could almost pass for normal,

except he's covered in his Pookan tribal marks. deep blue tattoos covering pale skin, in the same patterns his marks do in his Pookan form. almost hidden to the naked eye in his Pookan form, but blaringly obvious in this form.

"Jack, they're.... beautiful. why hide them?" Tooth asks softly. Jack shakes his head, shifting back quickly.

"they make me look freakish in that form!" Jack says. Tooth looks confused, shaking her head.

"Jack, sweetie, who told you that?" Tooth asks softly.

"nobod-" Jack starts. Tooth glares at him in warning, making the younger sigh. "Punxsutawney." Jack mumbles.

"Punxsutawney Phil? the Groundhog?" Tooth asks. Jack nods. "Jack he's an idiot! we don't listen to him!" Tooth huffs.

"but he's right!" Jack shouts.

"no Jack, he's-" Tooth tries.

"I don't want to talk anymore." Jack mumbles. he quickly taps the ground twice and drops into the tunnel, without another word. Tooth silently curses Bunny for giving Jack that ability.

Tooth immediately prepares herself for the pissed Bunny Pooka she knows will arrrive shortly to yell at her for upsetting his mate.

Bunny arrives an hour later, no doubt having taken time to try and calm his upset mate.

"what did you do?" Bunny snaps. Bunny is rightly pissed. Tooth knew he would be. she isn't worried about her safety though, just yet.

"me? nothing. Punx, however...." Tooth trails. Bunny looks confused,

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