Thin Ice

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Jack isn't sure what happened, he thinks maybe he lost control while he was showing off to Bunny. one minute he was skating across the ice of the same lake he drown in and the next minute, was drowning again. in the same spot of the same lake, as 305 years earlier.

Bunny wasted no time. a terrified scream of Jacks name ripping from his throat as he took off for the shattered ice. he dived right in, watching Jack struggle with the fallen tree that was dragging him down. in a moment of stupidity, he screamed for the Frost guardian while under the water. he swam as fast as he could.

Bunny tried to be careful trying to pull Jack free. the young frost guardian was absolutely terrified, struggling. he reached for the Pooka desperately. the panic was setting in. he was drowning again.

the Easter Bunny yanked Jack free, feeling parts of the water turn warm and watching it turn slightly red.

he wraps an arm around Jack tightly and drags the man towards the surface, ignoring the ever present chill stinging through his bones.

Bunny drags them out of the water and onto the ice, hissing immediately. the soft pads of his feet immediately stick to the ice, icy water clinging to his fur. both figures tremble as the older carries the smaller guardian towards the land.

Jack screams the moment he can, in utter terror, clinging to Bunnys fur.

"hang on mate, hang on." Bunny murmurs, gently patting the youngers back. trembling pale and twig thin arms wraps tightly around his neck. he can smell the blood seeping from Jacks back and he can feel the smallers stomach bleeding against his own. Jack whimpers in pain, but clings to the Pooka. "apples, promise." Bunny winces. the moment he makes it to land, he turns to look at the ice briefly. there's blood from his frozen paws and the frozen guardian in his arms dripped all across the ice. he's too worried about Jack to care how cold he is, how much pain he's in. he taps the ground twice and immediately jumps into the hole, speeding off for Norths.

Bunny can't even think for a minute. he should remember he was trying to get Jack for a guardians meeting, but he doesn't. not with icy, trembling, bloody arms wrapped around his neck as tight as they can be or trembling, frozen, bloody legs wrapped around his waist as tight as they can be. he bursts through the hole.

"NORTH!" Bunny shouts, stumbling across the floor. the other three guardians immediately look over, taking in the soaking wet guardians dripping water and blood all over the floor for a brief second, before jumping up and running over.

"Bunny! Jack! what happened!?" North asks, looking them over.

"the ice." Bunny manages. "the bloody galah was on the lake and a tree fell. he went with the ice." Bunny winces.

"you both look like you could use medical attention." Tooth says worriedly. Sandy has images flashing over his head nearly a mile a minute, but Bunny can't understand what the dream guardian is trying to say.

"we must get you both to Yetis." North says, carefully reaching for Jack. the frost guardian yelps in pain when gentle fingers come into contact with the wound on his back, Bunny turns quickly putting his back to North. it carefully, and protectively, puts his large Pooka body between North and Jack.

"y'ratbag derro! don' touch'im! yer gonna hurt'im!" Bunny snaps, shifting his hold on Jack carefully. the younger guardian holds tighter to his neck, refusing to remove his face from the Pookas fur. the Easter Bunny stumbles towards the room he knows North keeps medical supplies in, towards the infirmary.

"you're leaving blood all over the floor, are you alright?" Tooth asks, fluttering up behind him quickly. she can't take her eyes off the bloody paw prints trailing the limping Pooka. the freezing ice and freezing water had caused his soft and warm paw pads to stick to the ice, ripping them apart. Bunny nods slightly.

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