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Ceron's Pov_

"Wash the peaches four times before passing them to the kitchen staff, it should be spotless or else ready to face Mr. Harroy." The lady worker told me as I sat close to the mansion's open room facing the sky.

"Who is he?" Nobody told me about the new name.

"Oh my, he's the one who scolded you yesterday for your indecisive act," She said and pushed the basket full of freshly plucked peaches from the Mahogany Natural Farm.

"The man in black who's also tall and has this loud voice?" I asked.

She wanted to tell me something but stopped and after giving me the basket, she left the place.

When I walked out with those heavy-filled baskets, I saw two more women lifting it near the water tub. I find myself walking towards them.

They noticed me and smiled - "Good Morning, Ceron."

"Good morning you two."

How do they know my name?

When I sat next to them, they kept watching me with a warm smile tuck on their faces.

"Yes?" I tucked some dark strands out from my view as they chuckled and whispered something which made me embarrassed, did I do something funny?

"You are so young," One of them said.

"How old are you?" The other woman asked.

I answered her politely - "I am 13 this year."

"You look younger than that, even though 13 is a young age to live in." The First Lady sounded like she envied my young self.

We talked and cleaned the peaches as I rubbed the freshly washed peaches with a clean cotton cloth and collected them on the other basket.

"Where is the main kitchen?" I asked as I picked the basket up in my arms.

They told me the directions and I started walking by myself. I felt empty and sad out of nowhere. I would have been carrying my school bag right now as it is Tuesday today. Why am I working instead of going to school?

I worked day to evening nonstop, just one lunch break was given to workers as the Mansion turned a lot busier in the evening. The cleaning workers were ready to destroy any dust resting on the surface of the mansion.

The owner who lives here is coming tomorrow evening with his family.

I was out of breath. No break was given to us. I wonder how much work it would going to be if they showed up tomorrow. It's a whole barging chaos without them, and then they'll come and bless me the ticket to my extinction.

+ × +

I sighed and sat on the bridge tower when the evening turned darker, it had been my favorite place ever since I found this spot. The bridge tower is built to the nearest bridge river connecting the outer world through it.

It is located inside the Owner's claimed empire, yeah, it was inside the boundary of their main wall and I was glad that there were several other places besides the Mansion itself, the place feels empty or I am just not flexible enough to bend with the rules and get used to them anytime soon.

They don't give me hard work as I am still young and new to work yet they don't stop to give me fragments of several works one after the other. It's kinda hard to be at pace with no sense of time and breath.

The star twinkled over the sky as several little rabbits ran on the ground towards the bushes. It's fascinating how I am on level 5 and can see as far as the edge of the sight can offer me, it's beautiful and calm.

CeronWhere stories live. Discover now