Her Visit

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Taiwan, Kaohsiung
Nov 3 2025

After sometime getting the ships to port and setting up papers, MM has finally landed on land.

Of course she said her goodbyes to her sister and Higgins before leaving.

MM is currently heading to the nearby while being accompanied by a Filipino envoy, Yongfeng and Yongxiang to the Tsoying Naval base to meet more Taiwanese ship girls and to have rest.

Taiwan, Tsoying Naval Base
Nov 3 2025

Arriving at the large naval base, she was welcomed by Ping Hai. She gave her a handshake before welcoming her.

Ping hai:"Welcome to Tsoying Naval Base. I hope you'll enjoy your stay"

Ping hai:"Now let me guide you to where our meeting will take place"

Ning hai lead the Filipino envoy to the meeting room to meet the Taiwanese admirals. MM wasn't included but she instead got to meet Taiwan's own ship girls.

So that's why she's being led to the ship dorms.

Ping hai:"Here is where you will stay for the time being."

Ping hai showed her to her room. It was small but it's cozy so MM is thankful.

MM:"Thank you"

She placed her luggage and left the room as she still needed to meet Ning Hai.

Ping hai:"Are you done?"


Ping hai:"Then let's go"

They began to walk.

Ping hai:"Also I forgot to mention but we need to be quiet as the other ship girls are sleeping. Wouldn't want them to be disturbed."

MM:"Ok, I get it"

They then opened the door leading to an office with a sleeping woman on the desk.

Ping hai aprouched her and promptly gave her a big punch in the head to wake her up.

Ning hai:"Ow! You didn't need to hit me! You could have waken me up more gently"

Ping hai:"It's the easiest option get over it. Also your embarrassing yourself in front of our guest"

Ning hai:"Yes yes, anyways I'm ROCN Ning Hai. The flagship of the Republic Of China Ship girl fleet ROCSGF, welcome to Tsoying Naval Base"

She extended her hand for a hand shake.

MM accepted it and said

MM:"And I am BRP Miguel Malvar, also thank you for letting us stay"

Ning hai:"No problem, But uh have have you met any other ships besides Ping Hai and the 2 Yong Feng sisters?"


Ning hai:"Then tomorrow we're having a party so you should join"

MM:"I'll think about it"

Ping hai:"Sister you forgot the main purpose of this meeting"

Ning hai:"Oh right I forgot, you need to sign this document by the way"


She looked and it said 'forum to join the Republic Of China Ship Girl Fleet'

MM:"I think this is the wrong one?"

Ping hai:"Oy"

She hit her sisters head again

Ning hai:"Ow, I was trying to get a new one.... Uh sorry here's the real one"

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