Her Escorts

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South China Sea, near Manila bay
Nov 1 2025

Miguel Malvar and her convoy has been sailing for hours now. Currently they just left Manila bay.  Currently MM is talking to her sister BRP Pangasinan(her spirit btw) about random stuff.

MM:"Hey sister, what do you think of me being a ship girl?"

Pangasinan:"I'm kinda jealous you know? You seem like you're always free while I need my crew if I want to go anywhere. You can also talk to you're own crew too!"

MM:"Yeah being human is fun but sinking is a terrible experience so I would rather you be a ship. Unless theirs a way to make you a ship girl without sinking"

Pangasinan"Well atleast your alive and well again, I'm just happy I can talk to you again. I really thought you're gone forever when you got sunk by those abyssals."

MM:"Well as your sister I can't leave you alone, since a lot of our sisters already got scraped or capsized. Though they might get summoned back as ship girls"

Pangasinan:"Yes I wanna meet them again! I hope they get summoned again!"

MM:"Also btw have you encountered any abyssals on the past?"

Pangasinan"Yes, I encountered abyssal aircraft, I shot like 4 down though"

MM:"Then good job to you and your gunners! Those abyssal planes are really small so your gunners are really freaking good to hit something that small!"

Pangasinan:"Eh, any ship can do that, especially American destroyers like Higgins"

Higgins:"Hmm did I hear someone talking about me?"

MM:"Uh yes"

Higgins:"What is it about?"

MM:"We're just talking about how awesome my sister is!"

Higgins:"Amazing at what?"

MM:"Shooting down planes! She or well her gunners shot down abyssal planes with WW2 guns"

Pangasinan:"But any ship can do that!"

Higgins:"No, this is actually an achievement. You shot down something the size of an rc plane with guns that are older than my crews grandfathers."

Pangasinan:"Wait is it really that big of an achievement?"

Higgins:"Yes, I think your the only WW2 ship to shoot down an abyssal. And no, ship girls don't count as their ship girls not ships"

MM:"This is why you should be proud of this sister! You're the only who had done this!"

Pangasinan:"Then I'm glad, though please don't like tell this to everyone it's kinda embarrassing to get so much praise"

Then MM had a Mischievous idea

MM:"HEY EVERYONE!" she shouted.

This gave her everyone's attention


"Your loud please shut up"

"What is it?"

MM:"BRP Pangasinan shot down 4! And I mean 9 Abyssal aircraft!"


"Wow that's actually pretty good"

"I already knew that from the news, so please shut up now"


MM:"heh then try it!"

Miguel Malvar's Journey: A kancolle fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora