Apologies and good news

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Hello readers,

I sincerely apologize for my extended absence. Life has been unpredictable and I had to take a hiatus from writing. However, I am happy to announce that I am back and excited to continue sharing my stories with you.

In the meantime, I invite you to check out my other book, "Bedlam Spectrum," which is available to read on my profile. It is a gripping tale of friendship, love, finding oneself and fighting oneself that I am sure you will enjoy just as much as you enjoyed "I See You".

I am also thrilled to share that I was recently featured on the official profile of Wattpad India LGBTQ+ with four of my stories there. Wattpad has always been a platform that has been instrumental in my writing journey. I am grateful for their support and the opportunity to connect with a wider audience.

I cannot wait to continue writing again.

Thank you,
April Skyes

I See You[MxB]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें