The Visit

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Reaching Mary's house, James knocked on her door, but there was no answer. He searched for an extra key under his door mat. He found nothing. He looked around the neighborhood to ask about Mary, but no one was in the street. He crossed the street and knocked on the door. He heard some noises before someone familiar opened the door. James looked at the person infront of him in shock.


Mark looked at him in the same expression.

"James. Come in."

He invited James inside. They went to the living room and James looked around. Mark has pictures framed on a shelf above the television. He had one couch infront of it and a single chair in the corner of the room near a lamp. The room was cozy, but felt empty. They both sat on the couch waiting for someone to speak.

"So, what brings you here in the neighborhood?"

Mark asked.

James explained everything from the start. From the unknown caller to his missing friend.

"I see. We'll, Mary and I have been neighbors for 3 years. I was going to propose to her. I haven't seen her since Friday when we ate dinner at her place. She usually has a hidden key under her door mat so it's strange that there's no key."

James took notes of what Mark said. They both catched up with one another since Mark was his cousin. James, then, stood to leave. Right before he reached the door, he heard a voice from the house. It made Mark freeze in his place and get nervous.

" What was that voice?"

Mark gulped.

"What voice? I didn't hear anything."

Hw said nervously with a smile.

James got suspicious, but brushed it off. They both said goodbye to each other, and James left to go find some information about his cousin.

James went back to his office and started to link everything together. He found out his cousin's phone number is similar to the unknown one. When he searched more, he found out his cousin had a debt to pay for some organization. This organization had held something against him. Something precious.

He decided to tell his friends about what's happening and go save Mary. There was no doubt that Mark took Mary. He called his friends and told he everything. They decided it's best to pop up on his cousin's door at night and search the house. James agreed. He gathered some of his police friends and planned everything. Tonight, they'll break in his cousin's house.

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