part 2

115 2 1


pigsy: when i was your age-

mei, mocking: when i was your height


pigsy: listen here you little shit


nezha: i regret being dragged into your homosexual tomfoolery


mk: can i have your number?

red son, visibly texting: sorry, i don't have a phone


lbd: i left instructions for everyone while im gone

mayor, raising his hand:
spider queen's, huntsman's, syntax's and goliath's all just say "no"

lbd: i want you to apply that to every possible situation


sandy: why did you leave wrestlemania on for the cats?

pigsy: they need to learn how to protect us


mk, looking at his watch: it's been 2 hours and sixteen minutes since i've been insulted.

mk: it's been about 5 seconds since i've been assaulted, but let's not talk about that


brotherhood wukong: i truly believe that water can solve all your problems

b!wukong: weight loss? drink water

b!wukong: clear skin? drink water

b!macaque, interjecting: want to get rid of someone? drown them

peng: *slowly moves farther away from macaque*


red son: what is this?

mk, hugging red son: affection!

red son: disgusting

red son: . . . do it again


mk watching lbd and wukong fight: this can't get any worse

lbd, possessing wukong: sure it can! give me two minutes

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