"I just don't want you getting hurt," Scott admitted, staring at Allison. "Seriously, if anything goes wrong you call me okay? I don't care if your dad finds out. Call, text, scream, yell, whatever. I'll hear you and I'll find you as fast as I can." Allison nodded. "We have until 3:00."

There was a sudden whistling sound and on instinct I threw my hands up in protection. Everyone's eyes shot to the arrow hovering in mid air mere inches from my face. I glared at Stiles who had the crossbow in hand, and he put it down sheepishly.

"Sensitive trigger," he mumbled, looking anywhere but me.

I rolled my eyes, letting the arrow drop into my hand. I passed it to Allison who put it back in her bag, along with the crossbow, giving Stiles a pointed stare that he ignored.

"We need Erica and Isaac distracted," Scott said. "They can't know what we're up to." Then, "Y/n, you're friends with Isaac, aren't you? Can you distract him until we leave?"

I gaped at him. Seriously? I couldn't do that. I liked Lydia and all, but was I really willing to distract Isaac, talking to him alone, to keep her safe?

"Actually, they're not on the best of speaking terms-" Allison started, trying to save me, but Scott cut her off.


He looked at me with pleading eyes, and I caught a glimpse of the weight he had on his shoulders. He made it his responsibility to protect everyone, no matter the cost, and he'd been so busy caring for others that he hasn't had much time to care for himself. I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to be able to deny him.

"Fine," I agreed.

We left the office shortly after that, and I strolled down the halls in search of Isaac. It wouldn't be my fault if I couldn't find him. I could say I tried, that I was looking for Isaac but he just never showed up. Then it wouldn't be my fault that he wasn't distracted, since I hadn't been able to find him in the first place. Really, it was a good plan. A great plan even. Except for one problem-

"Looking for me?"

I spun around, Isaac standing behind me with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. I scowled. He was grinning at me, and his hair was dishevelled. Put that with his leather jacket and confidence, and he was the epitome of a bad boy.

"No," I said. At Isaac's raised eyebrows I continued. "I was looking for... the library?"

Isaac chuckled, his eyes sparkling. "Sure you were."

I nodded my head, begging anything that was listening for the floor to cave in and send me straight to hell. That place would be better than this, standing in this hallway with Isaac who was looking like a particularly handsome Greek god.

I turned around and started walking away, needing to face away from him to get my racing heart to calm down, and he thankfully followed.

"So, are we going to talk about what you said earlier?" Isaac asked as he kept in step beside me.

I cut him a glare. "You mean about me hating you forever and ever if you kill Lydia?"

Isaac sighed. "No. About you liking me."

I pretended to think for a second, going so far as to tap my chin with my finger. "No, I don't think we are."

"And why is that?"

I shrugged, continuing my walk to who knew where. "Because there's nothing to talk about."

Isaac raised an eyebrow. "No? So you'd be okay if I kissed you again?"

I froze, my feet skidding to a stop as I processed his words. Isaac smirked, victorious, and moved to stand in front of me, taking up all of the available oxygen with him.

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