Chapter twelve | obsession

Start from the beginning

"Alright man, I'll catch you at school." He shakes me up and I head up his basement stairs and out to my truck.

I finally make it back home, like usual I'm greeted by Cash.

"Hi bud." I pet the top of his head and immediately walk over to put food in his bowl, I was gone for quite a while and I knew he was probably hungry.

I set the bowl down and he runs to it, I sigh and walk over to my room.

I take my shirt off and throw it in my hamper, laundry was long overdue but that was the last thing on my mind at the moment.

I sit down on my bed and stare down at the floor, it was so fucking lonely here. I was tired of the same exact routine every day.

I go to school, I smoke weed with Dominik with the company of his friends occasionally, and I come home.

I don't even know why the hell I came back here, It was just as lonely now as it was back then. Besides the one thing here that was on my mind.


I don't know why she drove me so crazy, I wanted her so bad from the moment I laid my eyes on her and I keep fucking it up.

I don't know why I do this to myself, anything I ever want I sabotage.

I just really need my mom.

I slowly get up and make my way towards my mothers urn that sits on my shelf, I wince at the dust that collected on it and I wipe it away softly.

I then turn my attention to the framed picture of her right next to it.

Her short brown wavy hair that she always kept natural, her tired golden brown eyes, and her warm smile.

I feel a lump in my throat swell as I touch the picture, as if she's standing right in front of me.

"I miss you mom, I really fucking miss you." I say softly out loud to her, for some reason I always felt like she was listening.. Like she was here with me.

When I was thirteen, she was diagnosed with stage two lung cancer, after that she got sicker and sicker. My dad was never there to take care of her so I had to do it all on my own.

I don't think anyone will ever fully understand what it's like to watch a parent slowly die from an incurable sickness until it happens to them.

All I could do is sit back and watch as she got thinner and thinner, hell I was the one that shaved her head when she was going through chemo.

I shut my eyes tightly.

The sadness quickly turns into anger and I throw my shirt back on, I angrily storm into the living room and snatch my keys off of the counter.

I don't even talk to Cash or give him any pets, I knew I was going to feel bad about that later but right now I didn't care.

I immediately make my to my storage unit in my apartments and open it, when it's opened I snatch a tarp and under it is my all black Yamaha R7.

I haven't used this thing in ages, but tonight I needed to blow off steam.

I grab my helmet off the handle and put it on, I didn't bother to put on any gloves or anything before quickly getting on and starting it up.

Surprisingly it starts up immediately, I hook up my phone to the Bluetooth and put my playlist on shuffle.

I slowly exit the storage unit, I hop off my bike and close the unit and lock it. I shake the lock making sure it's secure before hopping back on my bike and taking off.

I turn up the music as I exit my apartment complex and Where Is My Mind by Pixies starts playing loudly over the speaker.

I accelerate my bike, picking up the speed as I turn onto the empty main road.

I open the screen on my helmet to let the wind hit my face, I forgot how much I loved riding this thing.

So much has been happening in my life that I haven't really been focusing on the things I enjoy, I almost completely forgot about this bike.

It felt freeing as I race down the empty street, not a soul in sight. The music kept blaring as I took in the words.

I didn't even have a destination I wanted to go to, I was just turning down random streets and letting the road take me where it wanted to.

I turn onto a road like I had been doing, only this time it was a dead end.

I was about to turn back around to go a different way but I seen something in the distance.

Most of the houses on this street were completely abandoned, which was unusual.

Curiously I made my way down towards the end, once I reached it I stopped my bike and looked up.

It was a treehouse, a big treehouse with a latter still attached to it. It looked like it hadn't been used in years.

I turn off my bike and hop off, I take off my helmet and set it on the seat of my bike before heading for the abandoned tree house.

I stop at the bottom of the latter and look up, it was rather tall. I shook the latter to see how stable it was.

It wasn't the best but it didn't seem too bad so I went for it, I took a step followed by another.

It creaked all the way up, wobbling a bit but I didn't mind it. If I fell it was on a patch of dead grass.

When I get to the top it's filled with spider webs, old drawings, and the smell of musk.

I look around a bit more, it looked like a kid had been here last. Telling by the handwriting they couldn't be older than ten or eleven.

I smile a bit to myself as I see 'M+C' written in pink pen on the side of the old wood.

I look around a bit more before sitting down, It was calm here.. But my mind still ran a mile a minute.

All I could fucking think about was Scarlett, I almost couldn't bare it anymore.

I close my eyes and let my mind wander.

She felt so desperate and needy against me in the shed, she didn't have to say she single word and I could tell she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her.

I liked teasing her, watching her almost crumble as I walked away. Leaving her with questions unanswered.

The way she looked up at me in the classroom that day, the glances we kept giving each other.

The way she bit her bottom lip when she was focusing really hard on something.

Without another thought I leap up and head for the latter, climbing down quickly and jogging over to my bike.

I strap on my helmet once again and hop on it, starting my bike up and speeding off.

I can't take it anymore, I need to see her.

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