chapter 13

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In the last chapter, many of you mentioned that it was too short, so this time, I've written a longer one with 2000+ words! Yes, you read that right, a whopping 2000 words in this chapter. I hope you all enjoy the extended content.

Our target is to reach 260+ votes. As they say, more words, more votes, right? Let's make it happen! 



I was working continuous shifts at the hospital while also preparing for my exams. Last year, I qualified for my PG, and I got General Surgery. These days were quite hectic for me, and I can't even remember how many days had passed. I was heading towards the general wards for rounds with a senior doctor.

(maybe possible i might have written something wrong so please note that it is fictional)

As we were heading there, we found a man in his late 20s who was verbally abusing someone. As we approached, we saw that the man was abusing his own mother. Along with him, two or three more people were there, enjoying the scene.

Dr. Shubhash went to them and asked, "What is happening? And you don't know how to behave in a hospital, huh?" He addressed the group of men, including the one who was abusing.

The man holding Dr. Shubhash's collar responded, "Tere ko kya? Meri maa hai, mein jo chahu vo karu. Nikal yahan se." he said with saliva spitting out from his mouth ( yuckkk)

Dr. Shubhash broke free from his hold and asked him, "Tum drunk ho? Are you nuts? Hospital mein nashe karke aa rahe ho aur patients ko pareshan kar rahe ho."

I was fuming with anger, thinking, " The Lion , The Witch and The audacity of this bitch."

 I was about to step forward when another man from the group grabbed a nearby artery forceps from the medical tray and moved towards Dr. Shubhash. When I saw this, I moved in front of Dr. Shubhash.

Without hesitation, I launched a swift and precise kick at the first goon's midsection, causing him to double over in pain and drop the artery forceps on the floor. I swiftly followed with an elbow strike to his jaw, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The second goon attempted to punch me, but I skillfully sidestepped his attack, causing him to collide with the wall. I took advantage of his disorientation and delivered a powerful knee strike to his abdomen.

Just when it seemed like I had the upper hand, a third goon joined the fray, wielding a fire extinguisher. As I turned back, I saw that the fire extinguisher was about to hit me. I got ready to defend myself, but someone disarmed him with a lightning-fast series of strikes, sending the extinguisher clattering to the floor.

That someone was none other than Hukum.

 Yes, I am right. Hukum was here; I don't know how and when, but he was here to protect me. He then moved towards me, dragging me while tightening his grip on my wrist, not enough to hurt me, and signaled another man, whom I guess was named Arjun, to handle the matter.

after few minutes we reach near his car in parking lot that is underground, i thought now i will be get scolded and i started making a speech to prevent myself from the scolding but what happen next totally shocked me.

He pulled me to his chest and moved his hands towards my shoulders, hugging me while caressing my hair. We both remained silent for some minutes, and then he broke the silence, asking, 

 We both remained silent for some minutes, and then he broke the silence, asking, 

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