This isn't A game

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Emma's POV

I am still with Kail, we met the leader of the XOXO- team and we took our orders, actually I took mine Kail didn't want his but he said he will help me. I hope he will because if not he will end up like jail. He loves me I use him only because I want somebody to do my dirty work and help to do...dirty work.

"Kail, we can watch a movie, which one do you prefer: the love story, under you gun or the the lord of the rings?"

"Hm..., none, I want you..." he said and started kissing me, from my mouth to my bumbs.

"Kail I want to..." I wispered him all the phase till the end and I felt good vecause I knew, I love him.

"Oh girl you are sooo hot...let's go to my bed know that..."

After one great hour with him we hear a knock on the door...

"Who's there?"

"It is me Kail your sister can I come in? "We heart Helen and I froze for a second but then Kail told me to get in his bathroom and take my clothes.

"Come in!"

Helen's POV

"Hey Kail, um...can I ask you something?"I told to mt brother and then I saw a bra in his bed. I understood that a girl was with him and... huh I didn't really care but I hate when he is taking advantage of me when our parents are not home, they usually are in trips all around the world and I am alone with and my little sister Gambi.

"What do you want Helen?"

"Um...actually I want to talk to Gambi, she is in her room and I have to see her since yesterday. Can you please talk to her?"

"Okey but maybe she is tired that is why she is in her room"

"If you don't want to talk to her tell it...she may be only 16 but she knows about you and your stupid movies."

"Wait what?  You told it to her? Has she ever saw one?" My brother fricked out and he started to rush to my sister's room.

"Kail wait, if you scare her I will-"and then he opened the door and stand infrond of our sister and grap her phone from her hands.

"Give it back! Kail give it to me!"she south and he nodded her to stop.

"What do you think you are doing?if you see another of my movies I do not know in so much danger you are getting in..." Kail told with anger at her grapped her hand.

"Are you drunk Kail or you are just crazy?"Grambi said ironik and he pushed her to her her desk.

"Stop! Kail! Stop it!"I panicked and for a second I thought to hit him but it wasn't a good idea.

"Don't talk to me like that Gambi and don't ever tought my movies is dangerous and not for your age." He told and left the room. My sister was on the floor crying and shaking and then I saw blood in her clothes...her arm had a big cought.

"Oh my God! Gambi are you okey?"

"No...I- I hate him...what have I done to him to act like that?"I hate seeing her crying...

"Nothing is not about you okey? Wait here I going down to call Jason."

"You hate Jason Helen. He broke up with you."

"Yes but he is a doctor and maybe you will need stiches. I won't risk it."

I called Jason and he came in a few minutes, I have a history with him but he is a really good guy and when I need him he is always there for me. We had a moment before some years but we broke up because he left the town. He is one year older than my brother and they were friend that's how I met him.

"Hey Helen, what happened? Where is your sister?"

"She is upstairs in her room. Can you please go and look who she is?"

"Yeah I'm going upstairs."he said and went upstairs. I desited to go to Miranda's to hang out for a while. We also needed to find Melissa.

Gambi's POV

Jason knocked the door,  I didn't knew him a lot, I knew him only from that sister have told me and because he is Miranda's older brother, our familys went for vacation together and I used to walk with him at the beach when the girls where in the poolbar at night. He walked in and saw me sitting on the floor. He sat next to me and we started to talk.

"Hey, how are you?"

"Well, first of all I missed you, you dissapeared after that summer. Second I hurt my arm."

"I know your sister told me about your arm, I misaed you too. But before we talk I will see how bad is your arm."

After one hour when Jason finished the stiches we sat in my bed and after a long talk we went out for dinner. After a few hours we walked back to my house.

"Thank you Jason, I had a wonderful night!"

"Yeah, me too! Do you want to go for a drink now?"

"I can't, but if you want we can go tomorow."

"Okey, but Gambi...-" and the he kissed me and I kissed him back and it was the best moment of my life till I saw my brother in my bedroom.

"Hum, Jason can we please go to my house I think ny brother has a problem.

When I got in I went upstairs and that time I saw my brother coming out of my room.

"What are you doing in my bedroom? I think you already hurt me much for one day."

"First, why is he here and second sorry for the scene in your room I didn't want to hurt you." And he tryed to hug me but I stoped him.

"Don't touch me!"

After that I walked downstairs and kissed Jason for a goodbye and grap a beer from the fringe then my brother got into the kichen.

"Grambi I am sorry... I am really sorry."

"I don't care. You 're gonna wish to never have done that to me...both ypu and your crazy girlfriend and all the N.A.T club."

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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