Chapter 1

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“Hey! I think we should get some Mcdonalds after this!” Makoto said as he walked down the hall with his friends. Natasha looked at the boy and nodded. “For sure! I’m craving some fries right now!” Yamagishi then scoffed while pushing up his glasses. “Oh please. Everyone knows Wendy’s has the best fries!” Takuya shook his head. “No way. It’s Burger King.”

Atsushi only snickered at his friends. “I think Mcdonald's fries are the best, but ony when you get them fresh. How about you Takemichi? Who’s fries are the best to you?” Takemichi thought for a minute before responding. “I like them all!” The other 5 looked at him before groaning. “We should have known he wouldn’t pick one!” Yamagishi said while looking over at Natasha and Makoto.

Later that day, the group had made their way to the McDonald’s closest to them. As the 6 sat down to eat after buying their food, they talked about what they thought was important. “You know Takemichi, it’s lucky for us your cousin is the leader of Shibuya Third Middle school huh?” Natasha rolled her eyes as she leaned her head on Makoto’s shoulder. “So now if any third year messes with us, we just have to name drop Masaru.” Yamagishi said gleefully.

“Ugh, please don’t mention that asshole…” Atsushi smiled softly. “I know you’re still hurt after what he did to you. We’re sorry Tasha.” Takemichi then looked at his friends confused. “Hang on just a sec, I have no idea what you’re talking about, what’s so good about having Masaru around anyway, and what happened between him and Natasha?” The 5 other middle schoolers then looked at him with shocked and confused expressions.

“What? What I’d say?” Takemichi asked as his friends asked if he was feeling okie or going crazy. “No, No! I’m alright!” Makoto then smirked as he balled his fist. “Good, cause we’re gonna start us a fight! My friends, we're gonna have us a little war with the second years at that school that they’ll never forget!” Natasha sighed as she sat up. “Guys, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Takemichi suddenly perked up.

“What? You guys wanna go over to their school and fight them right now?” Natasha shook her head as she listened to the boys talk about how they have to fight the guys because they thought they were wusses. Frankly, she thought the whole idea was stupid in the first place. So what if they thought they were wusses, it wasn’t like they were gonna ever see each other in person. How would they know if they were wusses or not?

As the 6 went on their way to find the other second years, Natasha thought about her terrible relationship with Takemichi’s older cousin Masaru. He was sweet at first, really fun and used to spend his allowance on her. Then she started to notice he was distant, mean and smelled like another girl’s cheap dollar store perfume. It wasn't long before she found out he was cheating on her with another girl and broke up with him.

She had initially found him attractive because of how cool and tough he acted. He made it seem like he wasn’t scared of anything and his famous right hook had defended her many times from other boys. She fell for him hard the first time she saw him do it. Now, it was, if anything, stale. She stood next to Takemichi as she watched the other 4 boys interrogate some first years from Shibuya Third. Soon the 6 found themselves at a park wondering where the hell the second years were.

“Well this is weird.” Yamagishi said as he drew in the sand with a stick. “We can’t find those second years anywhere.” Makoto said as he locked arms with Natasha who looked like she was going to keel over from boredom. “Everyone we’ve talked to is either a first year or a third year. What’s going on?” Atsushi added while looking around. “It’s like they’re avoiding us.” Takuya said while looking at Atsushi.

“You know what I think? They heard we were coming for ‘em and they freaked out and ran for cover.” Yamagishi said smiling. Natasha giggled and threw a small pebble at his head. “Please, you’re as scary as my left tit.” Yamagishi whined while rubbing his head. “Not funny Natasha!” The others laughed at Yamagishi yelling at Natasha while she taunted him as she stood next to Makoto. Suddenly Atsushi stood.

“Well, delinquents from Shibuya, are nothing but wannabe fancy little city boys anyway right?” He asked as the 5 looked at Takemichi. Natasha, noticing the look on his face, stepped forward a bit. “You ok Takemichi? You look…sick.” Before the boy could answer, he was cut off by a deep gruff voice calling out to them. “Hey, Are you the little shits we heard are looking for our second years?” As the 6 turned to the direction of the voice, they froze in shock and fear.

Natasha put a hand on her mouth as she laid eyes upon the very intimidating group of boys before her. She then thought if using the word ‘boy’ was even right for them. They certainly didn’t look like they were in middle school. Let alone under aged. Natasha felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise as she witnessed who she assumed was the leader light a cigarette. “Our second years are all away on a field trip.”

Backing away a little, Natasha couldn’t take her eyes off the scarily intimidating boys. “We’re gonna bash your little bum faces in one by one so, line up.” Another guy said with just as much of a deadly tone as the last. Yamagishi then began to speak up, nervously you might say. “Wait, You guys-You guys are all third years right? Cause we cleared this visit ahead of time and your boss Masaru said it was cool…” The leader tweaked an eyebrow as he responded to the boy. “Masaru eh?”

Suddenly, another boy, one that Natasha was sure was on crack, started laughing hysterically before turning to Masaru. “Hear that Masaru?!” The freckled faced boy looked at the other. “Yea, of course I could hear ‘em. I’m standing right behind him aren’t I?” Natasha watched in shock as she witnessed the boy she once looked up to be reduced to nothing but an errand boy.

“Hey boss, what do we do with the girl?” Another boy asked as their eyes landed on Natasha who was visibly trembling. The leader then beckoned her with his finger to which Natasha complied. After looking her up and down, the boy smirked. “What’s your name cutie?” Natasha quietly responded. “N-natasha.” The boys in front of her began snickering and smirking while their eyes wandered to her body.

“Well Natasha, you got a boyfriend?” He asked. Natasha couldn’t find the words to speak and simply shook her head no to which the boy smirked. “Now you do. Stand by the vending machines with Masaru ‘kay?” Natasha could only follow what he said due to her fear of what he would do to her if she didn’t. As she stood next to Masaru who had just finished getting all the sodas.

Natasha couldn’t bring herself to watch her friends being beaten by the group of third years, so she turned her head to look at Masaru who seemed to have no problem with watching his own cousin being beaten. Natasha wanted to say something, anything in judgment of her ex but then she thought, did she even have the right to? She quite literally left them immediately when she was given the opportunity.

What was worse was the fact the third years beat her friends til dusk. She looked on in sadness as Atsushi and Takemichi apologized to the third years with blood and tears running down their faces. “You got a lotta nerve calling yourselves delinquents. You’re nothing but 5 spineless little losers.” The leader said as he pulled Natasha close to him by her waist.

“And now you get to be 5 little soldiers for the Tokyo Manji Gang starting today, and you better work your asses off too.” As they began to leave, Natasha moved away from the third year guy and looked at him. “I-i…I’ll see you tomorrow.” The boy smirked and grabbed a handful of her ass before walking away. “You better.” Watching the guys go far enough away, Natasha broke down in front of her friends as they picked themselves up off the ground.

“I”M SORRY!!! I'M SO SORRY!!!” The boys felt their hearts break a little as they witnessed Natasha cry her little heart out. “You got hurt while I just stood back and watched! I should have helped!” Atsushi put a hand on her shoulder and winced a bit before smiling softly at her. “Natasha, it’s not your fault. We’re just glad you're not hurt.”

That night, as the 6 trudged home, Natasha looked at Takuya and gently took his hand in hers. The boy turned his head to look at her only to see her looking straight ahead. Sure today was bad but little did they know, this was just the calm before the storm.

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