Fourteen: Save the Date?

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Isaac groaned when he realized he lost, pouting as he sulked away. Tatum laughed, slowly rising to her feet. She poured some of her seltzer into her cup, saying, "Just you and me now, Parker."

"Sorry in advance, Hartley," he called out confidently, filling his cup as well.

"Don't get too confident," she tutted. "Remember last time you played against me? I kicked your ass."

"Less talking, more playing."

Another partygoer called out the countdown, and the two were off.

Tatum had finished her drink so quickly that she was sure she had completely unhinged her jaw. She made fast work of flipping the cup, but to her horror, it toppled over. People were shouting and cheering so loudly around her that she completely lost focus, missing a second time as she tried to flip it.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Brady successfully flip the cup and take a squat. Members of his team shouted victoriously, jumping around and slapping him on the back. Tatum let out a disappointed groan, watching as Brady celebrated.

"Good game," she congratulated sourly.

"Can't win them all," he reminded her smugly, holding his arms out.

"Says you," Tatum quipped, referring to the team's almost perfect winning record.

Brady chuckled and opened his mouth before he was cut off by Isaac. His friend told him something that Tatum couldn't make out. He nodded before turning back to Tatum. "We'll be right back."

"No problem," she said, wondering what that was about. The two disappeared into the crowd.

She spent some time chatting with some girls she knew from her classes. They had asked her about her grade on the biology mid-term and she felt mildly better when they told her that the average was a failing grade. Honestly, when something like that happened, Tatum couldn't help but think it might be a better reflection of the professor than the students. But nonetheless, she had to take part of the blame.

It was nice to not think too much about her work and grades. She didn't even feel a crushing sense of disappointment when talking about her mid-term. Maybe Brady was right about having fun once in a while. She would never tell him that though, obviously. Besides, she would have to strike some sort of balance if she wanted to save her biology grade. But maybe letting loose wouldn't be the end of everything.

She talked with the group for a bit longer before excusing herself to the bathroom. Tatum made her way to the restroom, weaving in and out of people as they enjoyed the party. She greeted a few people before heading to an area of the house less populated. She knew there was a bathroom over in this area that was almost always empty. Passing by a bedroom, she paused in her step when she heard quiet voices that were all to familiar.

"Dude, I can tell something is bothering you," Isaac pressed in a hush voice. "Can you just tell me what's going on?"

"Trust me, man," Brady told him, "you don't wanna get involved. Just stay out of it."

Tatum's eyebrows furrowed together, unable to stop her mind from being curious as to what they were talking about. Isaac scoffed. "You seriously don't trust me?"

"I can't. Not with this."

"You're like my brother, dude," Isaac said firmly. "You can talk to me."

"Isaac, please," Brady stressed, huffing out. "You need to stay out of this. It's for your own good."

It went silent after that.

"I just wanna help you."

Another beat of silence.

"No one can."

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