Chapter 12: Protect yourself from me

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Draculaura stopped the Ghoul mobile and joined her new friends on top of a bridge

Draculaura: what are we doing here?

Henry: we'll show you

he snapped his fingers and they turned into bats and flew under the bridge and hanged upside down, Draculaura hesitated before joining them, feeling the blood rush to her head

Henry: have you ever done this before?

Draculaura: I think when I was a baby vamp, I stopped when I got into Monster High

Henry: fun huh?

Draculaura: I guess...

Henry: now here's the fun part

then one by one they all let go and fell, Draculaura was horrified

Henry: be one of us, let go

he then let go and fell too, Draculaura listened to them call her, with a deep breath she let go as well and fell, she quickly used her wings to start flying and caught up with them


Draculaura was lying in Clawdeen's bed, fast asleep when Clawdeen came into the room and kissed her

Clawdeen: time to wake up sleepy vamp

Draculaura groaned and cracked open her eyes and stared at Clawdeen who kissed her again

Draculaura: what time is it?

Clawdeen: it's 12:30, we let you sleep in for 2 extra hours because somebody stayed up way to late! I was really worried!

Draculaura rubbed her eyes

Draculaura: I know i'm sorry I was just out with some new friends

Clawdeen: well next time call me!

Draculaura: I promise I will...

Clawdeen: speaking of call, your dad wanted you to call him back, your Icoffin rang about 30 minutes ago but you were still asleep

Draculaura just picked up her Icoffin and called her dad

Draculaura: hey daddy...

Dracula: *over phone* hey putrid, Clawdeen told me you stayed up late, is this true?

Draculaura: I admit I got carried away, I promise it won't ever happen again

Dracula: *over phone* alright honey, I just wanted to check in

Draculaura: we're fine dad, i'll call you tomorrow, love you

Dracula: *over phone* love you too my strong princess

he hanged up and Draculaura set her Icoffin in the bed and rubbed her eyes again

Clawdeen: want to sleep some more?

Draculaura stretched

Draculaura: no my little wolf, I'm good, is it just us?

Clawdeen: yeah everyone else went to Shadow land for the night, we might not see them until tomorrow, I hope it's okay they took your Ghoul mobile

Draculaura: as long as it isn't scratched, I'm cool with it


Clawdeen and Draculaura was watching a movie, Clawdeen had a arm wrapped around Draculaura who's head was resting on Clawdeen's shoulder

Clawdeen: want me to get you anything?

Draculaura: don't bother

Clawdeen: you won't let me do anything for you, it's not like you

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