Chapter 4: Father Daughter Talk

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Draculaura and her father were In her dorm room. both silent. Dracula was waiting for his daughter to begin talking. while Draculaura didn't know what to say.  Dracula was coming for his Daddy Daughter date and witnessed Draculaura attacking Clawdeen and Frankie. but he had a pretty good guess why she did that. she tried to avoid looking at her father. she was afraid If she told him what happened he would get upset. but If her father had answers on how to control her monster Instincts, she had to talk to him. Dracula knew this day was coming, he knew he should have had this talk with her years ago. but was afraid she would be scared of having friends, cause she could snap and hurt them. he placed a hand on his daughter's shoulder.

Dracula: honey... what happened?

Draculaura was confused. he wasn't angry? disappointed? mad? but no he looked guilty. Draculaura began whimpering and looked at the floor with tears In her eyes. she remembered everything. all the headaches, the voice, snapping at Clawdeen, trying to kill Clawdeen and Frankie, and having zero control over her body... and worst of all, watching everything she did and couldn't stop. she burst out Into tears.

Dracula: there, there, my Putrid Princess. It's gonna be alright

Dracula pulled his daughter Into a tight hug as Draculaura continued to sob Into his chest. all her guilt was overwhelming her.

Dracula: It's okay... It's alright... I'm right here

he stroked her head as she continued to sob

Dracula: let It all out

and let It out she did. she cried for what seemed like hours. the painful memories of what happened that night running through her mind. she continued to sob Into her fathers chest. as she repeated the same thing over and over


Dracula kept stroking her head. while barely keeping It together himself. It hurt him to see his princess like this. and he felt like It was all his fault, If he had just warned her about her Instincts especially when Clawd and Clawdeen joined Monster High. maybe none of this would have happened or maybe Draculaura would have had some self control. he made his worst nightmare come true... and probably changed Draculaura's relationship with Clawdeen and Frankie forever. Dracula allowed some tears to fall as well but he kept his daughter pressed against his chest so she wouldn't notice. after what felt like hours Draculaura looked at her father with tears still streaming down her face

Draculaura: I'm... I-I-I'm S-So Sorry Dad! I D-Don't Know What Happened To Me! I Just... So Many Things Happened Earlier Tonight! That Voice! Headaches! I-I Called Clawdeen A Brat! Frankie Tried To Help And I Snapped At Them Too! A-And I Lost Control Over My Body! I Was Forced To Watch Myself Attack Them! I Almost Killed Them! A-And I-I-I'm S-So Sorry! S-So Sorry! I Didn't Mean It! I Promise! I Swear!

Draculaura sobbed Into his chest again. Dracula wiped his own tears away

Dracula: honey It's okay, I'm not mad

Draculaura: I Know I Should Have Fought Back But I Couldn't! I- wait... What?!

Dracula: I said I'm not mad

Draculaura was shocked. he wasn't mad? but she could have killed Clawdeen and Frankie! she should be punished... but she wasn't.

Draculaura: you're... y-y-you're not mad?

Dracula: of course not my Putrid Princess. It was not your fault, you had no control over yourself. I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have had this talk with you years ago but I was afraid that you wouldn't make any friends because of It.

Draculaura: But Why Could I See Everything I Did?!

Dracula: I... I don't know honey. I lost control once when I was a scamp back In my day... but I blacked out the next thing I knew I was about to attack Selena. yours might have been different because you don't drink blood

Draculaura chuckled a bit

Draculaura: guess I got your anger issues... huh?

Dracula: I wish you didn't... Draculaura princess. you have a big heart and I know how you feel about Clawdeen. please don't push her away. she wants to be there for you.

Draculaura whimpered again and rested her head on her father's chest

Draculaura: but what If... what If I snap again... what If that voice takes control? w-what If... what If I end up... k-killing Clawdeen or Clawd?!

Dracula: you just need to keep your anger under control. and If you need to just call me honey

Draculaura: I still can't believe Clawdeen actually forgave me.. I-I called her a b-brat... a-and almost... attacked her...

Dracula pulled his daughter Into another embrace

Dracula: honey Clawdeen already forgave you and thank goodness she did... If she didn't come back you could have hurt Frankie...

Draculaura: w-why Is this happening now?

Dracula: your growing up... your Instincts will become stronger... a vampire has the worst of It all, us and werewolves... but I don't know If Clawdeen or Clawd will have those Instincts

Draculaura: I-I hope they don't... they have no Idea what It feels like... to... to have no control of my actions... to feel so sad, confused and afraid...

Dracula: It might take a while... but I promise you will control this one day...

Draculaura smiled and kissed her father's cheek

Draculaura: I love you daddy....

Dracula: I love you too my Putrid Princess...

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