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Nora's POV

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Nora's POV

Daddy was talking to Dr. Webber so I decided to explore the hospital because I was bored. Maybe I'll find Daddy, Auntie Addison or Auntie Meredith while I'm exploring. As I walked down the hallway, I see a man in a room all by himself. Entering inside the room, I see that he's hooked up to many machines and it made me sad.

"Hi." The man looks at me with a smile on his face.

"Hello. Are you exploring the hospital?" The man asks me.

"Me Nowa Eden Sloan and me two. Wat you name?"

"Denny Duquette." Denny tells me before I walk closer to his bed.

"Why you hewe?"

"My heart is sick and I have to make sure that it's healthy." Denny tells me.

"Peoples hewe awe bestest doctows. Wewe you mommy and daddy? Tey have to be hewe 'cause you no be alone. Daddy always wit me wen me sick."

"I don't want to worry them, but they probably are worried anyway. Does your mommy worry about you?" Denny asks me.

"Me no have a mommy, but me have Daddy, Auntie Addie, Auntie Amy, Auntie Mewwy, Uncle Sam, Auntie Mimi, Auntie Violet, Uncle Coopew and Auntie Lottie."

"That's a lot of family. If I call my mommy and daddy, will you come visit too?" Denny asks me.

"Yes me come see you."

"There you are Nora!" Auntie Meredith says when she enters the room and picks me up.

"It's alright Dr. Grey. I said she could come and visit me. At least we were both keeping each other company." Denny tells Auntie Meredith.

"Thank you for looking after Nora." Auntie Meredith tells Denny.

"You pwomise Denny, no fowget." Denny smiles before Auntie Meredith and I leave the room.

"You mad?"

"No, just worried. Let's find your daddy." Auntie Meredith tells me with a smile on her face.

Meredith's POV

"She's not allowed in Denny's room!" Izzie shouts because she's just learned that Denny added Nora onto his visitor's list. Nora made an impact on the man because he called his parents and they're coming sometime this weekend.

"Clearly she is if she's on the visitor's list." Nora was eating her lunch at the table with us while Mark was signing his contract. Cristina Yang, George and our other friend, Alex Karev all loved Nora.

"Why are you sitting with us?" George asked Izzie.

"You're my friends not that retard's!" Izzie shouts, causing Nora to whimper with tears rolling down her face.

"Actually we're not your friends. At least Nora doesn't call us names because we're not a Barbie doll like you!" Cristina tells Izzie.

"Daddy telled me tat we all pewfect in ouw own way." Nora says while I wiped her tears.

"That's right little star." Nora kisses my cheeks and I kissed her forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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