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Meredith Grey's POV

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Meredith Grey's POV

Dr. Richard Webber walked by me and up to a nurses' station before beginning to fill out patient charts.

"Meredith." Dr. Webber greets me.

"Chief, can I ask you something? Not worked related?" Dr. Webber nodded, indicating that it was okay.

"Do you remember my father?"

"Of course." Dr. Webber responded.

"Do you know why he left?"

"I believe your mother asked him to. Well have a good day." Dr. Webber says before walking away. Addison walks over to me with Nora in her arms. Nora raises her arms for me to pick her up and I gladly do so.

"Hi there my little star. Are you wearing different pants?" Earlier today Nora was wearing baby blue jogging pants and now she was wearing pastel pink ones.

"Derek put Nora on a timeout for talking to Olivia. As a result she had an accident, but that's okay because accidents aren't bad." Addison says while Nora put both hands on my cheeks.

"Me like you Auntie Mewwy. You nice to me." Nora said with a smile on her face and I kissed her nose.

"I like you too."

"Daddy be vewy mad at Dewek." Nora tells me.

"He will be because he loves you and doesn't want anyone to make you sad. That's a daddy's job."

"Daddy do a vewy good job." Nora replied.

"He does a very good job little one." Addison says with a smile on her face.


Mark's POV

"The point is that the kid wants his face fixed!" Derek and I are arguing in the conference room about fixing Jake Burton's face.

"The point is you want to get published!" Derek yelled at me.

"Well yeah and I'm guessing your Chief of Surgery does too. You know how the press love a good before and after shot Richard." Nora entered the conference room and walked over to me, grabbing my hand.

"Daddy, why you yelling?" Nora asks me.

"Your daddy is a jackass that thinks he can do anything he wants. Don't even know why he kept you in the first place." Derek tells Nora, who tears up and I picked her up.

"Remember that boy I am helping? Derek doesn't want me to help him. But I love you so much little sunshine and I am happy that you're in my life."

"Daddy who tat?" Nora asked me, referring to Dr. Webber.

"That's my new boss Dr. Richard Webber. Richard, this is my daughter Nora."

"Well hello Nora." Dr. Webber greeted my daughter with a smile on his face before turning to face me.

"Dr. Sloan if you can get the parents to sign a consent form, you can do the procedure. Dr. Shepherd, if I hear you being rude to Nora again you'll be suspended." Dr. Webber tells both of us.

"Round two goes to the jackass." I tell Derek before Nora and I both leave the conference room.

"Auntie Addie and Auntie Mewwy gived me food." Nora tells me as we continue walking.

"How would you like for us to stay with your aunties until we find a place for us to stay?"

"Tey telled you yes?" Nora asks me.

"They sure did."

"Daddy wen me big giwl me want to be like you and 'elp peoples." Nora declared with a huge smile on her face. Whenever Nora says something like that, it makes me ecstatic to know that I'm doing a good job in raising her.

"That's wonderful my little sunshine."

"Daddy me want a mommy." Nora tells me with a pout on her face. Unlike my absent and neglectful parents, I want to make sure that Nora's dreams and wishes come true. To give her what I never had in terms of a family.

"One day you'll have a mommy sweetheart, I promise."


Addison's POV

"Nora has autism, ptsd, sensory and auditory processing disorders, asthma, type one diabetes and is hard of hearing. Mark made sure Nora's needs were taken care of since the day she came into his life." Mark was still at the hospital, so Nora was here with us asleep in her new room. Meredith and I both made it clear to him that it would always be Nora's room, even if they moved out. Meredith and I can't have children of our own so having Nora here allows us to have that dream, even if we're just her aunts. Our dog Doc was with Nora in her room, serving as her guard dog.

"Did you know Nora's biological mother?" Meredith asked me.

"No. Mark doesn't even talk about her. His parents were neglectful and absent during his childhood. That sad excuse of a birth mother and woman really fucked with Mark. Especially after she left Nora on his doorstep, in the freezing cold and at three in the morning. Mark was reminded of his parents and vowed not to do the same to Nora. He called me immediately when he found her, knowing my affection for children."

"Derek clearly didn't like that." Meredith tells me.

"He didn't and didn't want me to help Mark with Nora. That caused us to have problems in our marriage because he didn't want children and I did. I helped Mark out and taught him how to properly care for a child. One of the nurses at our old hospital offered us the extra breast milk for Nora as she was always producing too much. I got Mark in touch with lawyers to legalize everything, including Nora's name. Mark read a baby book and saw that Nora meant light while Eden meant paradise."

"Mark seems like a player too." Meredith tells me and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"He was ten times worse before Nora came into his life. He toned down his playboy tendencies around Nora, making sure that she never saw him like that. He's a flirt and makes it known that he's a player, but he won't ever do that around her."

"His game was good, but even I knew that he didn't give me his best." Meredith tells me.

"His dream now is to provide Nora with a mother and a good childhood."

"I respect that." Meredith tells me with a smile on her face.

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