Canto XX - The Disillusioned

Start from the beginning

"I checked the reception desk. The phones were constantly ringing, which means some civilians are probably stuck in their rooms." Romulus revealed.

The presence of civilians confined inside the hotel rooms didn't make Gabriele any calmer. In his head, instances of the nightmare occurred while on their way to the Shibuya Stream played uninterrupted, of the main streets flooded by the terrorized crowd. Dozens upon dozens of civilians fled from the metro station and up above in the empty streets of Shibuya like ants out of their nest.

It was chaotic, a disorganized mass diaspora they almost got caught into, some tripped over themselves and fell on the asphalt, not even half a foot out in the open. Useless were their screams as the unhinged mob ran over them, bones cracking and crushed under the weight of their steps. Who was unfortunate enough to survive it, the maws of starving monsters would serve a more painful end. The exorcist could do nothing but gaze in horror at the crude spectacle, men and women being chased by thoughtless creatures, dodging corpses and ignoring the gurgles of the blood drenching the nightmares' mugs as they tore the flesh of the poor victims. His face became pale while the square was painted in crimson. It was terrifying.

"Let's get going." Romulus urged the exorcist to follow them. Gabriele squinted his eyes a bit, he didn't actually have any clue of the reasons why they were here in the first place. When he questioned his seniors about it, they simply responded they would disclose the objective of the mission once on top of the building.

Together they met the other Empyrean in front of the elevator. Stepping inside the small space, Gabriele watched the doors shut as they went up to the 13th floor. Automatically his gaze moved to the open view of the city, his eyes widened in realization as something in the skyline was amiss. 'The smaller curtain is gone... Did Itadori and the others manage to break it?' A hint of pride adorned the thin smile on the exorcist's face.

'Good job, everyone. I can't wait to see you again.'


"If you die I'll kill you, right?" Megumi sighed in frustration as he soared through Shibuya on Nue's back, Itadori, that idiot better come out of this unscathed so that he could carry out his promise and kill him with his own hands. The teen glanced behind him at the unconscious body of his senpai, Takuma Ino, lying within arm's reach to prevent him from accidentally free-falling to his death. In particular, his eyes landed on Ino's face, the kind of onslaught it had been put through judging by how swollen it was, Megumi could hardly imagine it. The sorcerer turned his head straight ahead as he frowned, he had to get Ino at the tollgate on the metropolitan expressway route, where Dr.Ieiri had her in-field infirmary installed, to receive some medical attention before going back to the station.

Shoko and Principal Yaga immediately bolted out as soon as they saw the massive owl approaching the medical tent, landing on the firm ground a few meters from them.

"What happened?" the medic asked.

"I don't exactly know, me and Itadori were dealing with a curse user. Once we were done with him, we saw Ino-senpai falling from the Cerulean tower." Fushiguro answered, he tried to help the unconscious senior off of Nue but Masamichi stopped him before he could do so, saying that he'd have a cursed corpse take Ino inside the tent. The black-haired teen followed them a few steps back as they put him in a cot beside Ijichi, Shoko noticing the apprehensive expression of Fushiguro she quickly reassured him: "Nanami-san brought him here, he's not in critical condition... he may not look the resilient guy, but he was training to become a sorcerer as well." Her words of comfort had some effect on Megumi's troubled state, but his eyes could hardly leave the oxygen mask on the assistant's face fog with the condensation of his breathing. 

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