"You mean my design?" Marinette asked teasingly at Chloé, who just shrugged.

"No comment," Chloé answered, Sabrina giggled.

'Wait, what does she mean?' Lila thought to herself, suddenly very interested as she wasn't in Paris at that time.

Sabrina: I'm sure he will, Chloé. You're a born champion. Your design will blow everyone else's out of the water!

Chloé: Yeah, it will. As soon as I can get my hands on the sketchpad!

"Chloé, you realize you just implied that Marinette's designs are the best, right?" Alix asked their classmate amused.

"Yeah, I guess I did," Chloé admitted, getting stares. "What? I can admit that I thought that! I am trying to be more kind now." She rolled her eyes as the class laughed and turned back to the screen.

'Marinette's designs are the best?! I know that brat wants to be a fashion designer, but I thought it was just a stupid pipe dream for a pathetic girl! Now I find out that everyone thinks highly of her designs including Chloe?! Ugh!' Lila thought, shocked but also very angry.

Alya: (back at the bench; checking her phone) Only have nine hours until show time.

Marinette: Yikes! I'm off to my secret garden of inspiration. I'll see you later. (She runs into a wall.) AH! I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm okay. (Marinette almost runs into another wall, then screams. Alya chuckles.)

The audience laughs.

Scene: Hawk Moth's lair. Hawk Moth talks to himself as his window opens.

Hawk Moth: The time has come for us to find our next victim,

"No one's even upset yet," Jade stated.

"He's just bored." Issie jokes, making the group laugh.

my wicked little akumas. And to prey upon Ladybug and Cat Noir. Their Miraculouses must be mine!

"My god, does this guy even have a life outside of being an idiot terrorist?" Kim groaned and pretty much everyone murmured in agreement. Jade and Issie looked at each other, knowing his identity.

Scene: Trocadéro. Marinette is trying to get inspired to draw some designs. She draws something and then rips the paper out.

Marinette: Geez, it's hard to be creative under pressure.

Tikki: Marinette, you save the world under pressure. I think designing a hat should be a piece of cake!

Marinette: Hm, a cake derby hat. Stylish and tasty. (They chuckle. Marinette keeps drawing new designs and ripping them out. After a while, she gets tired and looks up.

"Those designs are amazing, Marinette. Better than what I can draw. Why did you rip those out?" Nathaniel asked.

"I don't know. I just felt like they were missing something." Marinette answered, shrugging.

"But sweetheart, a cake derby hat! That'd be a great idea for a delicacy for the bakery. Why didn't we think of that?" Tom said fascinated, making his wife and daughter amused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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