Stoneheart: Origins Part 2

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"Oh, you can watch the intro from now on!" Jade stated.

[ Theme Song ]

Jade and Issie are mining along, something they do every episode.
"I liked the part where as Ladybug and Chat Noir are switching sides of the screen, it changes to Marinette and Adrien. It was cool!" Kim stated getting murmurs of agreement.

Scene: TVi studio. Reporter Nadja Chamack updates Paris on the mysterious stone creatures that are dispersed around the city.

Nadja: (standing to the side of a picture of one of Stoneheart's minions, tablet in hand) The stone beings are scattered all over Paris, and for the time being, they are showing no signs of movement. (a variety of pictures is shown) Police have cordoned off the area.
André: (on television alongside officer Roger) We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but for now, we're not making much headway.
(The camera flips backs to Nadja standing next to a photo of Ladybug and Cat Noir.)
Nadja: Paris is relying on our new guardian angels, Ladybug and Cat Noir, to save us all. Our lives depend on them.

"Wow, I didn't realise how much pressure is put on you guys..." Sabrina stated.

Nathaniel nods, "And calling them 'guardian angels' and saying 'our lives depend on them'...I honestly don't know how you do it." Small smiles appear on the hero's lips.

Scene: Marinette's home. Marinette is standing next to her father, watching the TV while he washes dishes.

Tom: (turns around and puts arm on Marinette's shoulder) Listen, I know how upsetting and scary this is, but don't worry, sweetie; we've got two superheroes looking out for Paris, and the best way of helping them is to show them that we're not scared, because we trust them. (Tom raises a fist and scrunches face with confidence and faith)
Marinette: But what if Ladybug fails? (Marinette looks down in shame)

"Don't be so hard on yourself, girl," Alya said, comforting her best friend by putting her hand on her shoulder.

"Don't be so hard on herself?!" Lila laughed. "It's her fault that that happened! Why isn't anyone heckling her?!" She said in frustration.

"Because it's in the past and she eventually saved Paris," Jade said, hatred clear in their voice. "Now shut up before I buy duck tape and tape your mouth shut with it." The class thought that was funny, whereas Lila glared at the screen. (as you can tell, i don't like lila :) )

Tom: Then I'd come and save you. (holds piece of bread as a sword) Super Baker to the rescue!

Adrien sighed quietly. "Your dad is so cool, Mari. I wish my father was like that..." He looked at the scene between Marinette and her father with a hint of envy. Marinette frowned and gently put her hand on his. Tom also put his hand on Adrien's shoulder. Adrien smiled at both of them in appreciation.

Marinette: (giggles and reaches up to give her father a peck on the cheek) Thanks, Super Dad!

People smile at the moment on screen; Marinette's relationship with her father is so sweet.

(She runs up to her room and grabs her purse, pausing for a moment to look at her vanity drawer where she keeps her Miraculous. She opens the drawer and contemplates taking the case the Miraculous is in. Then, she places the case in her purse with certainty.)

Scene: Adrien's home. Nathalie is waiting for Adrien in the dining area.

Nathalie: Hmm, what's he doing? (the clock chimes once; she looks for Adrien in his room but doesn't find him) Adrien?
Gabriel: (near the staircase and entrance of the home, Nathalie and Adrien's bodyguard stand side by side; Gabriel is not pleased.) You didn't see him leave? If anything has happened to my son, you'll be held responsible!

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