Should we just keep driving?

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"We should go for a drive and go to the beach today my love" said Harry, you nodded frantically in agreement and ran off to your shared bedroom to get ready, closely followed by Harry.

"What swimming trunks are you wearing to day?" Y/N said, "Im wearing my yellow swim shorts, you could always match with me?" hmmmm you thought, thinking of the perfect sun dress that goes with your yellow swimming suit. 

When you had both got changed into the appropriate beach wear you stopped and remembered you hadn't had breakfast yet and that it was nearly 9 o'clock!, right on cue your belly rumbled making harry whip round on the stairs and ask "you hungry babe" "yes......, yes I am, starving in fact" replied Y/N and so the two went down stairs and gathered everything they would need for a trip to the beach.

Harry had forgotten to get the towels they had specifically for the beach so he ran back up stairs to the airing cupboard where all the towels and bedding are kept. As harry pulled out the beach towels he remembered what he had hidden in the very back of the cupboard out of sight from Y/N, Harry decided that today would be the best time to propose!, you guys had been together for 5 years so there's no better time than this lovely sunny day.

When the couple finally got them selves ready and in the car with all the necessities needed for their trip to the beach they set off, turning the radio up and just simply enjoying each others company, Y/N spotted a McDonalds "ooo shall we go there for breakfast Harry?" "omg yes I fancy a cheesy bacon flat bread" 

After getting their McDonald's they arrived at the beach, they were greeted by the relaxing sound of the waves crashing against the shore. Harry got out the car and walked around to Y/N'S Side and opened the door for her, after opening the door Harry opened the boot and got the beach bag out with everything they would need.

Splashing around in the cooling water after sunbathing for an hour the pair decided to get out and sit back down, they were talking for a while when harry called over to the bag making sure he stayed on his knees when he had the box in hand. 

"Y/N! you make me so unbelievably happy, ever since I met you I can't think about a life without you in it, would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"........... 

Y/N looked around and saw that lots of people were watching but in that very moment it felt like the world had stopped and nothing else mattered! "YES".

And they lived happily ever after.....................

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