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Flashback start...

Weeks passed with Lara and Will nearly always together. Will would come more often at the bar she work and just wait till she was done. Often, he would send her texts during the day, just to say hi and when she was off work or how she was doing. Sometimes he would send her explicit texts, describing in detail all the things he wanted to do to her body when they met.

When he had to leave for days at a time, he would always let her know when she would expect his return. 

It sound like a relationship but it wasn't, they were not in a relationship, they never went out on dates. There was no cute cuddle session on the couch, or hand holding or even a simple quick kiss or hug. No nick names like 'Honey, baby, sweetie, or love' And Will never stayed over night, he would always leave before  the morning came. And that was okay. Lara had Will for herself and he had her for himself. 

One day as Lara and Will have being in her apartment drinking wine, Lara have drink so much that she have gotten drunk and Will could see that.

"Do you want to dance?" she asked drunk "Are you drunk?" he asked "Nope" she said, shaking her head but Will could see it, she was drunk.

"I can't dance and I don't want to" he said "Then let's fool around" she said before she pressed her lips against hers "Lizzy, you are so drunk" he said "Well, come on" she said "I'm not gonna use you" he said "I wouldn't report you" she said drunk and was about to take another sip of her glass but Will grab it "Okay, I think you had enough" he said before he put the glass on the coffee table.

"Come, let's get you in bed" he said before he lifted her up in his arms and carried her all the way to the bedroom.

He lay her in bed before he went to the kitchen and came back with a glass of water "Drink this before you pass out" he said and she grabbed the glass before drinking it empty.

"Thanks" she said as he put it on the nightstand.

"Well, I will text you tomorrow" he said and was about to turn around but then she grabbed his wrist "Wait" she said and he turned to her.

"Please stay, just for a little while" she said "I don't know that's a good..." "Please just stay with me. I don't want to be alone anymore. I have being alone enough" she said.

"Okay" he said before he lay down next to her but then she grabbed him before pressing her lips against his.

He pulled away "You are drunk" he said "Not drunk enough. Beside I want to and so do you, we need another round" she said as she leaned closer to him but then he leaned back "Are you sure?" he asked and she nodded "I'm gonna remember this" she said before pressing her lips against his.

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