Allergic Reaction

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Hey Guys! i will get Halloween part 2 out ASAP but I've been really busy with school so i wanted to just upload this request quickly! Hope you enjoy!

It was around 5pm, Em was sat in her room finishing off some history homework. Today her, will and Jay were going to a friends and family night out at Molly's. The firefighters at 51, intelligence unit at the 21st and med's ED docs and nurses usually got together at Molly's every month or so, usually whenever most of them could get a night off.

"Hey, what you up to?" Jay peered his head round the corner, while stood in the doorway of his sister's bedroom, "Hey, just finishing some homework" Em responded, turning around to look at her brother, her expression was really showing how much she was really not enjoying doing her homework. "That sucks, good job for getting it done though kiddo, remember we're all going to Molly's tonight so be ready at about 7pm, okay?" Jay responded smiling at Em, "sounds good! Can't wait to see everyone!" Em smiled back, the first responders of Chicago were like her second family, so she loved seeing them all. Jay smiled back, then left Em's room to head back to his own.

A few more hours went by of Em finishing her homework, then watching some Netflix. It was now around 5pm, and Em decided to start getting ready as she had to wash and style her hair for tonight which always took her ages. She grabbed her towel and robe and headed for the bathroom, she had to share her bathroom with Will, which was more annoying her him than her as she took up most of the storage space and always spent ages in the shower. Em hopped in the shower and quickly washed her hair. She got out of the shower and went back to her bedroom. Em dried and curled her hair, then started to look for an outfit. She decided on a pair of blue denim skinny jeans and a black body suit, as well as laying out her white puffer jacket and white air forces to put on later. She got dressed quickly, before putting on some make-up and perfume.

Just as Em was tying her shoelaces, she heard Will shouting on her "Hey Em are you ready?" he shouted calmly from downstairs, "Yup just coming!" Em responded as she grabbed her jacket and walked down the stairs. She saw her brothers both stood by the door waiting for her, "Let's go!" Jay said smiling at his sister, she was already 16 and looked so grown up, where had the time gone? He thought to himself.

The trio of siblings chatted about work and school on the short 5-minute walk to Molly's. Will had recently been promoted to Chief of the ED since Dean had wanted to step down as his son had finally gotten out of prison and Dean wanted to have more time to spend with him. Will was super excited as he'd always wanted the promotion. Jay and intelligence had just solved a really big kidnapping case so they were all happy to have put away another disgusting criminal. Em had gotten 87% on her maths test which she and her brothers were all really proud of.

"Let's get inside, I want to defrost" Em joked as she pushed open the cosy bar's doors to enter the familiar bar which was full of all her brother's and her friends/family. The siblings made their way over to the bar to order some drinks and snacks. "Hey Herman!" Em smiled at the firefighter stood behind the bar, "Hey mini-Halstead! Hey Will and Jay! What can I do for you guys?" Herman smiled back, continuing to wipe down the bar top. "Can we just have 2 beers, a coke zero and some peanuts?" Will asked, they always ordered the same thing anytime they were here so he didn't feel the need to ask Jay and Em. "Sure thing! We actually got cashews from our supplier this week by accident instead of peanuts if you want those instead?" Herman asked as he began grabbing the drinks, "Yeh that'd be great thanks" Will responded, picking up one of the beers he had just placed on the bar, as Jay grabbed the other and Em picked up her diet coke.

Em grabbed a handful of cashews and took them and her drink with her while looking around to see who she would talk to first. She saw an empty seat at a table of some of the firefighters and paramedics from 51, there was Gabby, Matt, Kelly, Stella and Otis. "Hey Em! Come sit!" Gabby shouted to her as she was walking over to the table, "Hey guys!" Em responded as she sat down and put her drink on the table before starting to eat some cashews.

Em began talking to all the people at the table, after about 10 minutes, she started to feel funny. Em's face went very red and she felt as though she couldn't breathe. Em grabbed her throat, "Hey Em, you okay?" Matt asked her and the rest of the table turned around, looking concerned at the state of the teenager, Em quickly shook her head, Gabby ran round to her from the other side of the table. "Hey guys, I think she's having an allergic reaction to something" gabby said to the rest of the table as she held Em up, "Will! Jay! Em's having an allergic reaction!" Matt shouted as he went round to sit beside Em.

Will came running over, closely followed by Jay. "Em what's going on?" Will asked Em as she started wheezing "Can't breathe" Em managed to choke out while her breathing got worse and worse. "Okay, Jay run to the car and get my medical bag out the trunk, let's sit her on the floor" Will commanded to everyone around him. Matt and Will lowered Em to the floor, keeping her sitting up for now. Jay came running back in with the bag, the rest of the bar were all trying to help however they could, Will ripped open his bag and quickly grabbed an epi-pen. Em was usually terrified of needles but right now, she couldn't really get in enough air in her lungs to talk, let alone complain. Jay held Em's hand as Will placed the epi-pen on her thigh, he injected the epinephrin and Em screamed out "OWWW!", the first-responders that filled the bar, all looked over, concerned for the young girl. "I know, I know, Will said rubbing her thigh afterwards, "Right Jay, let's get her to the hospital" Will said, still very concerned as he wasn't sure how quickly the epi-pen would wear off. Jay picked up Em, bridal style and the siblings headed to the car, "Keep us updated!" Gabby shouted as they were leaving, "Will do!" Will shouted back as they walked out the door.

Em began crying, partly due to shock but also from pain, epi-pen needles were big and she hated even tiny needles! Jay opened the back door and sat her across the three seats, Will then got in the back with her and put her head on his knee, "Shh Em it's okay" he spoke softly trying to comfort her, Jay quickly got in and put on his sirens as he sped to Chicago Med. Em had calmed down a little bit by the time they arrived at Med, Jay pulled up to the entrance and Will jumped out, then picked up Em, Jay went off to park the car. Will ran inside carrying Em, "Will! Um head to trauma 2, I'll send over Dr Rhodes!" Maggie spoke clearly and calmy, but she was still concerned for Em.

Will placed Em down in the hospital bed, Em sat up, still in shock a bit and not really aware of what was happening, Connor came running in, "Hey Em, so she's had an allergic reaction?" Connor asked Will as he listened to Em's heartbeat. "Yeh, she went into anaphylaxis, so I treated in the field with an epi-pen" Will responded, holding his sister's hand as she slowly came back to reality. Jay came running in as April followed him into the room, "Hey, what'd I miss?" Jay asked Will as he went round to stand beside him, "Not much, there just checking her out now" Will responded as he and Will moved away slightly to let April and Connor work, "April, push saline and antihistamines through an IV and give her the oxygen cannulas" Connor spoke to April, "On it" April responded. Connor had treated Em before, so knew how was about needles, "Hey Em, can you follow my light with your eyes" Connor said as April was about to put in the IV, to distract Em from the needle, Em looked at Connor, "Ow!" she squealed as April put in the IV, "sorry Em, it's done now though" April responded, giving the teenagers arm a comforting rub. Em sat there, teary eyed and felt like it had just been the weirdest 20 minutes of her life. "Okay so we'll keep her for observation until she's finished her IV then you guys can head home, let me know if you need anything" Connor said as he patted Wil on the back and walked out the room, followed by April.

Will and Jay walked back over to beside the hospital bed, one on each side, they sat down beside Em and Will held her hand, Jay rubbed her back. Em sat there sniffling, very shocked by the whole experience. "Hey Em, how are you feeling now?" Jay asked her, looking at her with a concerned expression. "I'm like tired, but at the same time awake?" Em responded, sounding confused by her own response, "That's just the adrenaline wearing off, try and get some sleep if you can, okay? We'll be right here when you wake up" Will responded, comforting his younger sister. Em nodded and shut her eyes, almost drifting off to sleep, but before she falls asleep, she whispers "I love you guys" which receives Jay's response of "Love you more" and Will's "Love you always", which allows Em to peacefully drift off to sleep.

Word count 1694

Thank you so much for reading! And thanks to the reader which suggested this idea on my Halloween party part 1 story! It means the world to me when you guys take the time to comment and/or suggest ideas, so please do comment and suggest things!


Emilia Caroline Halsteadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें