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Disclaimer- I'm obvs not a doctor and have no knowledge on appendicitis so this medical information will obviously be wrong, hope you enjoy :)

You woke up feeling tired as per usual, you sat up in your bed, dreading the thought of getting out of bed. It was a Wednesday morning, right in the middle of the week and your least favourite school day. You managed to bring yourself to stand up but, the second you got on your feet you felt the most unbearable, stabbing pain in your abdomen, you immediately felt nausea rushing over you, you ran into the bathroom while still wincing at the pain that running was causing you.

You only just made it to the bathroom in time before you started throwing up aggressively. You were still in agony from your stomach pain. Having heard the gagging sounds, Jay rushed through to the bathroom to see you curled over the toilet and shaking. "Oh my- Em" he spoke, immediately concerned by what he was seeing. You turned around to face Jay, tears threatening to spill from your glassy eyes, "Jay..." you spoke up, barely even at a whisper. You turned around and continued to vomit while Jay held back your hair and rubbed your back in soothing circles.

"WILL!" Jay yelled as you kept gagging and vomiting, Will came sprinting through, concerned by the urgency in his brother's voice. Will stood in the doorway of the bathroom looking extremely concerned and panicked.

You finally stopped vomiting, but that didn't really matter because now the stabbing pain was getting worse. You threw yourself onto your back on the floor, "argh" you cried out in pain while screwing your face up. "Em, I need you to tell me where it hurts" Will stated before sitting down beside his sister who was now writhing around in pain, Jay was just sat there comforting you the best he could, he hated seeing you in pain. "My stomach" you managed to choke out while rolling around on the floor. "Okay, I'm going to have a feel around your stomach, so this might hurt" Will spoke clearly and looking concerned for his sister, not wanting to cause you more pain but knowing he had to figure out what was going on.

Will sat beside you and started pressing down on your abdomen, all was fine until he reached the left side of your stomach, he pressed down which was fine, but when he removed the pressure, "AHHHHH!" you screamed out in pain before bursting into hysterical tears. "I'm so sorry Em, Jay we need to get her to med right away, I think it's appendicitis" Will stated furrowing his brow, Jay simply nodded, his face twisting as he couldn't bear to see you in this much pain.

"Okay Emmy, we need to get you into the car so we can go to the hospital, moving you is probably going to be painful, so just brace yourself" Will said, his face still cringing as he watched your precious eyes, drowning in tears. You didn't even respond, your brothers, the world, all seemed like background noise right now, all you could feel was complete and utter agony. You lay there, clenching your jaw so much that you were practically foaming at the mouth, your toes curled up and your face twisted. Will picked you up, bridal style, and started going down the stairs with you. "AHHHH!" you screamed out multiple times, you felt like you could pass out from the pain, your stomach felt like someone was stabbing it repeatedly. "Almost there" Will said while making his way out the house and to the car, Jay running in front and opening the door for you and Will to get in the back. Will put you down in the backseat and got in the back with you.

You were laying down across the backseat, your head was on Will's knee as he gently stroked your head, trying to soothe you. Jay was weaving between traffic with his sirens blaring.

After a drive that felt like it went on forever, you were finally at med. Jay jumped out the car, opening the door for you and Will to get out. The whole world was spinning, you couldn't see straight, you were really in that much pain. You could briefly understand that you were being carried into the hospital by who you assumed was Will, you felt yourself being gently placed on a bed. "Em! Em can you hear me!" your eyes started to focus, you saw Connor Rhode's familiar face looking down at you, "C- Connor" you managed to choke out before you passed out.

------------------ a few hours later -----------------

You could hear the humming of machines around you, you instantly knew you were in the hospital. You fluttered your eyelids before slowly opening your eyes, who made hospital lights so bright anyway? You thought to yourself before attempting to sit up, however you failed miserably when you felt hands on your shoulders pushing you back down. "Hey, your awake. Take it easy" Jay said after pushing back to lie down. "Hey" you said with a dry and hoarse voice. "I'm just gonna get Will and Connor, okay?" Jay said while looking at you reassuringly, you nodded slowly as he walked out the room. You looked around, when you saw the monitors and IV in your arms, you confirmed to yourself that you were in a hospital room.

"Hey Em, how are you feeling?" Connor asked as he rubbed in his hand sanitiser and Will did the same, following closely behind Connor. "Em, I'm so glad your awake" Will smiled, walking over, and placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, you smiled. "I feel okay, the horrific pain is gone which is good" you say, a small smile creeping at the corner of your lips. "that's great! So we had to take you into surgery to remove your appendix, thankfully we got it out before it burst and the surgery went really well" Connor said smiling at you, you returned the smile, just glad to be able to relax. "I'm just going to do a quick exam, then you can be discharged since Will is a doctor and can check for signs of your stitches opening or an infection or anything" Connor said kindly, happy to see you in less pain. You nodded gently.

Connor lifted up your hospital gown slightly, so he could see your stomach, he pressed down in a few places, asking if you had any pain (which you didn't) and checking the stitches. He explained that everything looked good and that he would send April in shortly to help you change, April was like a sister to you so you were happy she was on shift and not some random nurse.

Connor left the room, now it was just you and your brothers, "We're just so glad your okay Em" Jay said walking over to hold your hand, "to be honest, I'm glad it was appendicitis" you stated honestly, "why's that?" Will questioned, extremely confused. "Well, if I'd made that much of a scene and it was something less serious, that would have been SO embarrassing" You stated with your usual cheeky smile appearing. "Well at least we know your bac to your old self" Will said with a chuckle.

You soon headed home and it took a few days for you to be able to get back to your normal day-to-day routine, you didn't mind getting a bit of time off school though. Will and Jay were very good at looking after you and you liked spending some quality time with them.

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I hope you guys enjoyed? I've not had any feedback or requests so far but would really love some! If you don't feel comfortable commenting, just message me! Thanks for reading!

Emilia Caroline HalsteadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora