Halloween Party

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It was officially spooky season! This was one of Emilia's favourite times of year, apart from Christmas of course. The autumnal colours and parties were by far her favourite part. Jay wasn't a fan of Halloween however, the hundreds of underage drinking parties and kidnappings/missing kids while trick or treating ruined it for him. Will was the same as Jay, he didn't particularly enjoy having to treat hundreds of teens for alcohol related issues.

It was Thursday 26th October, Em had just woken up to the sound of her blaring alarm. She groaned, hating having to get up at 6am for yet another most-likely boring day of school. "Em you up?" Jay said through her bedroom door as he walked past it, "Yep!" Em struggled to shout back; she really was not a morning person.

Jay headed downstairs to see that Will had passed out on the couch, he was working night shift last night so must've come in at around 4am and just dropped. Jay lightly chuckled to himself at the sight of his older brother hanging of the small couch.

Emilia had a quick shower, mainly just to wake her up, before she grabbed a pair of black jeans and a white sweater to throw on. She did her hair in loose, bouncy curls and put on some light make up. Looking outside, she realised it was frosty outside so she chucked on her fleece lined, black winter coat and then grabbed her book bag and bounced down the stairs.

"Morning Jay" she spoke softly, still pretty tired as she'd been studying a lot for her last end of unit test which was today, it was Maths, her least favourite and trickiest subject. "Hey Em" he responded, before finishing off his mug of coffee. Em looked over to see Will on the couch, before having a small chuckle to herself like Jay had. Em grabbed a travel mug and filled it with coffee, as well as picking up a breakfast bar. She was never really a breakfast person, but Jay and Will always made her eat something before school.

She pulled her phone out and snapped a quick close-up of Will, so she could tease him later as siblings do. "Bye Jay, love you and be safe!" she spoke to Jay, hugging him before sliding her white trainers on and walking to the door. "Love you Em, have a good day" Jay said in return, smiling at his younger sister. Em walked out of the Halstead siblings small 3-bedroom house, and headed off on the 5-minute walk to the bus stop.

Em put her air pods in and listened to some autumnal music including Taylor Swift, Lana Del Ray and Mac Demarco. The bust pulled up a few minutes later, Em scanned her bus pass and thanked the bus driver, before sitting in the first seat she saw. The bus took a slightly longer route than normal today for some reason, so Em ended up missing about 15 minutes of first period which was Business Studies, so she wasn't too mad about being late.

Em hopped of the bus and strode into school through the office entrance, so she could sign herself in before heading up to class. She thanked the receptionist, and made her way up to Business. Em explained her bus situation, so her teacher wasn't mad that she was late.

The rest of the morning at school went by a breeze, it was now lunch and Em and her best friend Eva Dawson, were sat in the canteen, discussing their Halloween plans as they ate their lunches. "Oh, come on! Just tell them you're staying at mine or something!" Eva begged Emilia; Eva had been asking Em all week to come to Brian Holtan's Halloween party tomorrow. "I don't know Eva, you know Jay and Will, well mainly Jay, and Antonio would go off on one as well!" Em told her friend, of course Em wanted nothing more than to go to the party and let loose, but she really couldn't be arsed with dealing her brothers afterwards. "Exactly, which is why I'm gonna tell my dad that I'm staying at Gabby's, he'll not even call her, there too busy with that big case right now" Eva explained, looking very proud of her little plan that she had come up with. "Okay... Fine! But only if we go as a pair costume!" Em smiled; she was pretty excited to go to a Halloween party. Eva squealed with Joy, the two started planning their costume, but were interrupted by the obnoxious ring of the school bell, the two separated and went through the rest of their afternoon classes.

Emilia Caroline HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now