11/20/16 My Review about Election results

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(note: been imagining this since Nov 10 when I was sleeping, but a little different)/Fantastic beasts movie< been imagining this since Nov 18 nighttime) journal

Setting: Outside Hogwarts entrance (a lot of celebrities, movie characters, and people that I know from real world including people from my tang soo do class and some Arc instructors are there)

McGonagall- (felt sad in Dumbledore’s office) What are we going to do, Albus?

Dumbledore- I don't know, but we could only support each other and support the real world against racism.

Michael Gambon as Dumbledore, Kristina(martial arts chief instructor as Captain of Hogwarts), Imagination version of Johnny Depp(in human form with black hooded robe and white buttoned down shirt that shows his bare chest), and Professor Mcgonagall- (were at the podium behind the Hogwarts entrance door while others are front of them and beside them).

Kristina- Mira, why you’re not at the podium too?

Me-(felt sad and scared with the crowd who are outside-front of the podium) I don’t feel like to go, but I’m scared that racism and bullying has been towards immigrants. Not all immigrants are dangerous and bad.

Crowd- (muttered) That’s true.

Kristina- (understood) Ok.

IJD- We need to do something about this in imagination world to help the real world. We need to be strong as we united. (Note: Harry Potter 4 reference) All people from Tang soo do, Arc, and this world need to fight together against harassment/racism towards immigration… or disabilities. We need to fight for our lives and fight for freedom. (note: I heard this before from somewhere, but I don’t know where)

Kim- (nodded while the crowd cheered) That’s right.

Ellen Degeneres- And we also need to let the harassers not be against LGBT.

Emma, Chris Colfer, and some people from LGBT- (cheered)

Ellen- We need to be kind to one another.

Kristina- We need to protect each other and ourselves to be safe. People need to become a better person and not bullied or harassed one another.

Tang soo do students- Tang soo! (cheered)

Me and IJD- (glanced one another and smiled. We knew that Kristina could be another Captain of Hogwarts like Emma, Will from Valerie the past Arc intern’s creative writing stories and IJD).

Dumbledore- Like I said in Harry Potter 3 movie: Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Ellen- Like I said in my show: Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

IJD- We really need to respect each other like one of our rules said. If people are afraid to say Donald Trump’s name, call him You know who like from Harry Potter world. (glanced at me)

Me- (nodded)

Ron Weasley and the Weasley twins- Yeah, he's like Voldemort a bit.

Me- (muttered) More like Umbridge

Harry Potter- Voldemort dislike Muggleborns and Muggleborn lovers. He only likes purebloods.

IJD- True and You know who meaning Trump and his supporters' racism problem is kind of like Hitlers and Nazis again. My real life was You know who from one of his movies (Donald Trump’s Art of the Deal movie). I cannot change into him for one of my movie characters transformations because most people don’t like him. Him coming here is one of the bans in this world. (Note: Trump and Kim Jong un and hitler are in Hell part of my imagination world. Heaven is part of my imagination world too)

Crowd- (cheered)

IJD- Not all Trump supporters are racists or harassers. If Trump is not being a racist towards the immigrants and disabilities, he should support the immigrants and disabilities with his supporters. From this situation, we need to try keep moving forward. (Note: IJD's real life said "Keep moving forward" in Inside Actor's Studio show in 2005)

Ellen- And we need to keep swimming.

Crowd- (agreed and cheered).

Note: About being captain of Hogwarts in my imagination world, it's ok to have multiple captains of Hogwarts because people from real world who become the captains strongly influence my lives: Emma from Arc, my Tang soo do chief instructor, and Johnny depp. Will is a character from Valerie's creative writing stories and he's also captain of Hogwarts because he's loyal to people and his family, according to Valerie's stories. Of course, Will doesn't influence my life because he's not from the real world.

Creative writings from 2016 by Mira YoonWhere stories live. Discover now