6/28/16 Meeting Johnny Depp in his Island

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Note: On Sunday night when I was sleeping, I was thinking/imagining about what will be like meeting Johnny in his island.

Setting: My bedroom and the portal to real world: Johnny’s island(barnabas island)

IJD(my imagination version of Johnny Depp)- (pacing in my room as a white dragon) My real life is avoiding the court by going to his island for avoiding the discussion about Amber’s accusation of my real life. He will be safe there.

Kim- If you were in your real life’s situation, what will you do?

IJD- (looked at Kim) I will avoid the court because I will be nervous. However, I can persuaded Amber to not to accuse him of being violent to her. My real life will never hurt women in real world because he said that he respected them. But if my real life did this, she needs to be aware of his anger. I don’t want my real life to be in trouble like in the past: being a bit violent to a paparazzi by hitting his/her hand with a plank to not let him/her take pictures of Vanessa’s pregnant belly with a camera and destroying furniture in a hotel. Long ago, he said himself if someone harms his friends or family, he will eat them, even though that will get him arrested. But, right now he’s ignoring them.

Kim- That’s good.

IJD- He can be dangerous with his anger, but if people respect him, he will not be dangerous like my Dragon of Death transformation, which is based on his dangerous and angry side.

Kim and me- Yeah.

Me- Johnny, does fans go to a celebrity’s private island?

IJD- I don’t know. I have a feeling that fans are not allowed to go there.

Kim- Johnny’s right.

Me- But, it will help me not to be in a crowd of fans in premieres/filming areas/concerts, so I will have more time to talk to your real life.

IJD- (stopped pacing) That’s true. (smiled) If my real life allowed fans to go to his island and not paparazzi, then your wish is granted quickly in real world.

Me- (nodded) Yeah.

IJD- If this happens in your real world, then I have a feeling that my real life will see me.

Kim- How do you know? That’s impossible.

IJD- True, but ever since there are a lot of premonitions/coincidences going on between real world and imagination world, Mira and I believed that my real life knows us already with a gut feeling.

Kim- That’s an interesting thought.

IJD- (nodded) Mira, do you remember who are my real life’s friends are, who could be in the island right now until my real life had a concert in July?

Me- (smiled) Steven Tyler from aerosmith, Iggy Pop, Tim Burton and Helena Bonham carter, Marilyn Manson, Paul Mccartney, and the Kids band members(Johnny’s band).

IJD- Yeah. You will see them when you get there, also my real life’s past girlfriend, Vanessa Paradis.

Me- (nodded) And I will be nervous.

IJD- True. (felt sympathy) I wished you could see more big popular celebrities for practice in real world besides Gavin Newsom and Edwin Lee and seeing us celebrities in imagination world to get rid of anxiety meeting big celebrities in real world. But, it’s a bit tricky for you.

Me- Yeah. My mom won’t let me meet big celebrities in concerts/premieres yet because I need to work first.

IJD and Kim- Yeah.

IJD- Valerie and Kim’s real life had met big celebrities before. They’re lucky.

Me- (sadly) Yeah. I wanted a chance to meet my favorite celebrities.

Creative writings from 2016 by Mira YoonWhere stories live. Discover now