Fifteen: But Why?

476 12 11

Trigger warnings: swearing, slight homophobia, Harry Greene mention.

1056 Words.


No. Way. No. Fucking. Way! I did not just see what I think I just saw. I snuck out of Higgs to go to Truham to see Nick but he wasn't where I thought he would be so I asked Harry about it and he said that he's been in Mr Ajayi's art room eating lunch with the gay nerd. He showed me where it was and now I'm stood outside the window watching Nick snog the fucking life out of Charlie. Wait one second... NICK'S GAY?!?! Since when? How? Why? What?! He likes me though, we're basically together. I've been telling everyone we're basically together but now he's cheating on me with Charlie Spring? You've got to be having a laugh. My eyes start to well up with tears as I leave Truham and go back to Higgs, I cannot believe it. My own boyfriend, cheating on me.


I wait for Nick so I can talk to him about what I saw. He told me he's walking today as his Mum is working a later shift. He walks up to me with a slightly confused face, I know how I'm going to play this and I'm definitely not going to take him lying to me as an answer.

"Hi Nick." I say coldly.

"Hi Imogen? What are you going here?" He asks confused.

"I was waiting for you. I need to talk to you."


We walk together in the direction of his house. Mine is a bit further away than his, my older brother normally picks me up but I asked him if he could pick me up a bit later at the end of Nick's road today. We walk in awkward silence for a minute and seeing that my cheater if a boyfriend isn't going to break the silence, I guess I'll have to do it myself.

"I wanted to talk to you about what I saw earlier today."

"Okay? And what might that be?"

"I saw you kissing Charlie." I announce.

"What?!" He quizzes anxiously., "How?!"

"I snuck out of Higgs to meet you at lunch, to surprise you, I didn't know where you were so I asked Harry, he shows me where you were and I stood outside the window and saw toy kiss him. Nick, what the fuck?"

"What do you mean 'what the fuck'? I was kissing the person I was dating, so what?'

"Nick you're my boyfriend, you're not meant to do that-"

"Wait a minute? Boyfriend? When have I ever said that we were together, let alone your boyfriend?"

"I mean, it's pretty obvious you like me and I like you so we are together, or we were until you cheated on me."

"Imogen, we're not together, we will never be together. When did I say we were together?"

"Well, you didn't I just assu-"

"Exactly. I didn't say we were together. I'm with Charlie and I like Charlie, not you. I don't know if I want to be friends with you after this Imogen. You keep doing this. I have a possible relationship with someone I like and you go and cause drama. This has been going on since year nine Imogen! I've had enough. I don't like you, you like me. We are NEVER going to be together!! I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD, IF YOU RUIN WHAT I HAVE WITH CHARLIE, YOU WINT INKY BE UNFRIENDED, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED FROM CONTACT AND MY LIFE!! JUST FUCK. OFF!!"

I have tears in my eyes and call my brother to pick me up now where I am. I can't believe this. I never ruin Nick's relationships, he has one with me that he won't commit fully to. I know what I need to  do to get my boyfriend back.


I cannot believe Imogen right now. I know what's going to happen. I need to text Charlie to tell him that what Imogen might tell him is not true.

Me: Hey you <3. So I've had a bit of an argument with Imogen and in the least amount of context, she might say something to you tomorrow that is not true. I like you, I really really like you and I can't wait to figure myself out so we can become official.
{Read and liked}

Okay so Charlie knows what is happening. I hope. I just really hope that if Imogen says anything to Charlie tomorrow, Charlie will know it's bullshit.


I got a text from Nick to not believe what Imogen will tell me, got it. Just as I'm thinking about it I get a message over Instagram from her.

Imogen: hey charlie, so i dont want to say too much but i know about you and nick. i want to tell you that he doesnt actually like you. hes my boyfriend and hes just playing you. im really sorry to tell you this. i hope i havent caused too much of an upset :)

Me: imogen, do yourself a big favour and fuck off. i like and nick and nick lies me. he doesn't like you and i'm sorry if that upsets you but he's had enough of your bullshit. leave him the fuck alone. you know exactly what you are trying to do and it's not going to work in me. i hope you have a good life and grow up. you really need to.

I take a screenshot and send it to Nick. He facetimes me to make sure that I didn't believe a word she typed. I didn't. It was so clear that Imogen had the biggest crush in Nick but he didn't feel that same about her and that's also obvious. I feel so bad that he's had to go through this and I hope it doesn't escalate to Imogen outing Nick to the school or anything like that. I would have that for him. He hasn't even figured himself out yet. It would be so hard in him. I guess we'll have to find out tomorrow.

Authors note:

Did what happened to me yesterday happen to me again today? Yes. This was meant to be out at half eleven last night. You know what to do if you want to see one of your suggestions here. If there are any mistakes, please tell me. I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night and I'll see you in the next one!

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