Seven: I'm the captain now, part two.

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Trigger warnings: swearing, slurs, mentions of assault and abuse, mentions of SA

2335 Words.


I wake up to the sound of my alarm, a beeping sound that I know Nick despises. I wish he was here if I'm being perfectly honest, but it's no secret because everyone by now know that I'm missing him. I'm half awake when I feel a familiar weight across my body but it's unfamiliar at the same time. I start to panic and that's when I turn around and see him. My Nick. With all the events of yesterday, I totally forgot he came home yesterday. He starts to stir as I'm starting at him, waiting for him to properly wake up so I can kiss him. When he opens his eyes his whole body jolts as he sees me leaning over him. I start laughing out loud and he joins me.

"Well, good morning to you." He says in his morning voice. I love his morning voice so much, it's so hot.

"Morning." I chime in my morning voice too.

"It's not a good morning?"

"No, you're here. It makes it bad."



"Is that why you were leaning over me, waiting for me to wake up so you can kiss me?"

"Uh, no? I don't know why you would think tha-"

I'm interrupted by him crashing his lips onto mine. It feels so good to be back in his arms and have his lips back on mine. He pulls away leaving me wanting more.

"Noooooo, come backkkkkkk." I whine.

"I'm still here."

"You know what I meant."

"I still want you to come back."

"Not right now Char, I need to take a shower."

"Okay, well then I need to fame a shower too."

He gets out of bed and walks towards the door. He turns back and looks and me.

"You comin' then?"

"No." I say while jumping out of bed and rubbing towards him.

Our shower lasted about 10 minutes and no we did not spend five if those minutes making out under the boiling water. Who am I kidding, of course we did. Nick washed my hair, three times because you gotta love OCD, he then washed his as I turned the shower on and off five times, again you gotta love OCD. Then we washed our bodies and rinsed them off, Nick gave me a quick bead massage as I scrubbed each of my feet two times, you know what I'm going to say. We then dried off and got dressed. I got into my school uniform as everything from yesterday came rushing back to me. Nick is drying his hair in the mirror as he notices that I have paused getting ready and am standing in the middle of my bedroom in only my shirt, underwear and socks while being completely zoned out.

"Hey Char, you okay?" He asks gently.

"Huh, oh, yeah yeah completely fine."

I go back to getting dressed as he comes over and dires my hair. He uses my towel to scrunch it first, then when I'm fully dressed and sat on my bed, he puts some curl cream in and scrunches that with his hands. While he does this, I admire his outfit. A white t-shirt that outlines all his muscles, a black pair of smart trousers and a jumper that he isn't hasn't got on yet. He finishes and catches me staring.

"Like what you see?" He says waggling his eyebrows.

"Just a little." I whisper while standing up to kiss him again.

We go downstairs to have breakfast, we both have a bowl of shreddies. While we are eating breakfast Nick and I catch up on what we have been up to over the few weeks we haven't seen eachother face to face. When we are finished breakfast we go upstairs to brush our teeth, we try to latch on to one another but it doesn't work so we give up on the idea. We go back into my room and Nick puts some cologne on while I put some vaseline on. Nick decides that he is driving me to school today, so we put on our shoes, I get my bag and Nick finally puts on his jumper and we get into the car. When we arrive, Nick turns to be and looks like he is about to give me a pep talk. He opens his mouth to speech but I interject before he can say anything.

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