Just so you know...

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My next oneshot will be three to four maybe even five chapters long and if you want I might make it into a different story all together. I wanted to tell you because you will probably need to take some notes. In this oneshot, makes can get pregnant instead of being able to make other pregnant. You can see where this is going already. Males who can get pregnant are called carriers. Charlie is a carrier. Nick is not. Jane has never been happy that Charlie is a carrier. I promise you this all important towards the story. She's also never been supportive of teen pregnancies. Charlie is sixteen and Nick is seventeen when they get a bit too drunk at Nick's house without any other people present. Nick and Charlie decide to have sex but forget protection.

I hope I have given too much away there but I hope you will enjoy it. Chapter one should be out tomorrow and maybe chapter two but it depends on how much time I have because I have a very busy day tomorrow.

If you want me to turn it into a separate fanfic as well and add more depth to it then comment right here ---------->

Thank you for all your support and I hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night.


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