{Memory 1-Lightning Fast Fishing}

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Get into the scene here:

"Come on, brother! 

At this rate, we'll both be found!" The elder prince exclaims as he runs.

His younger brother runs close behind him as the two make their way deeper and deeper into the Asgardian forests. 


You're--going too fast! 

Slow down!" the young prince yells in turn. 

 "If we slow down, our friends will catch up! 

Come on, Loki!" 

Loki reluctantly shapeshifts into a wolf as dark as night itself, catching up to Thor as the two continue to run. 

The older prince, as always, is determined to win this simple game of hide-and-seek. 

He's always been very competitive even at such a young age. 

Grant it, of course, his younger brother is just as competitive, but thinks more logically in that regard. 

The wolf runs past his brother with a vicious force pushing him. 

The force is that he finds a hiding spot before Thor does, of course. 

The two continue to run, neither thinking of anything aside from the small race they have going now. 

That is until Loki sees the two of them approaching a cliff.

He shapeshifts back to his normal form, waving at Thor. 



There's a cliff-!" he yells out just as Thor trips over the cliff and drags Loki down with him. 

The princes roll and tumble in shrubbery until they get to the bottom. 

Thankfully, the cliff wasn't up as high as the young prince expected. 

Once they both roll to the bottom and back into the grass, their playcloths have been dirtied and ripped up a bit. 

Thor laughs aloud. 

 "Oh, we have to do that again!" 


You nearly killed us, you big oaf!" Loki exclaims, watching as Thor simply nudges him a bit. 

Eventually, Loki gives in and laughs as well for a moment or so. 

The older prince gets up and walks over to Loki, offering his hand to help him up. 

The two stand together, looking around in awe. 

This was a part of the forest neither of the princes had trodden into before. 

Here, the trees are older and far more grand than the ones surrounding Asgard. 

The sun almost seems to shine with less intensity as the overhang of enchantment illuminates the way.

Loki looks at his brother hesitantly, unsure if it's wise to tread so far from home. 

But one look at Thor's expression, and the decision's been made! 

The two begin to look around this newfound wilderness like two Vikings on an exploration. 

There's a certain calmness to the space that makes even the most eccentric of gods fall short of words. 

As they venture, however, they soon come across a clearing just west of the cliff that holds its own untampered beauty. 

A magnificent waterfall exits from a mountain side causing a small lake to form. 

The two brothers look at each other and then at the waterfall, steadily approaching this natural treasure. 

As they do though, they hear the sound of giggling from other children nearby. 

The two boys perk up at the sound thinking perhaps they weren't alone. 

Loki shifts his gaze around as he's quite good at a game of "I Spy", locating the body of a small child playing by the water's edge in entertainment. 

He motions it to Thor who, unlike Loki, immediately walks toward the child who turns to him as he approaches. 

 "Hello!" Thor exclaims joyfully. 

The child looks up at him making the two realize the appearance of the small Asgardian is quite stunning. 

A beautiful girl with gorgeous golden hair and yellow eyes as piercing as the mid-morning sun: Sol. 

 "Oh..hi!" she replies in a similar joyful innocence. 

 "What are you doing out here?" Loki asks, slightly calmer than his brother. 


Do you want to play?" she asks with a smile. 

Thor quickly nods and gets down to where she is with Loki taking the spot on the other side of her. 

 "What are we playing?" 

 "Fish!" she answers. 

"Fish like shiny things, so you get them to come up to you and grab them." 

As she explains it, Thor notices that behind Sol holds a basket already full of about a dozen fish. 

Loki takes out a small sword from his side, unsheathing it toward the sunlight in an attempt to attract some fish. 

"Not like that, silly! 

Like this!" she says, placing her hand in the water again. 

The two watch as the younger girl emerges her hand and the light of the sun itself expels from her palm. 

She wobbles her hand slowly a bit, but generally keeps it still as fish begin approaching her hand.

Loki understands now and casts a green light from his hand, emerging in the water too. 

The fish come to him as well, tickling their skin which causes both of the children to laugh. 

Thor smiles widely as he watches the mysterious sun goddess grab what she can and toss it into the basket behind her. 

Loki quickly follows, managing to catch a fish himself.

 "I'd like to try!" Thor exclaims without thinking, casting some light in his palm. 

Loki attempts to stop him, but it's no use. 

The god of thunder emerges his hand and electrocutes the entire lake causing all the fish to float to the top. 

The three godlings stay quiet for a moment, processing what just happened. 


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