chapter 2

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It has been about an hour mabey a halve that I've been on my plane
All I've been doing is listening to my music witch is mostly rock or metal, and staring out the window and watched as the light,puffy,white clouds float bye without a care in the world.
The sky was very pretty.
The way the blue mixed together with the pinks and orenges' to create a masterpiece called a sunrise.
As one of my favorite songs
'Hail to the king' came on my plane had stopped at on of new Yorks airports. Unlocking my phone I quickly text Alfred or america...
'Hey I'm hear, were are you?' I send him the message as I begain to walk off the plane and look threw the crowd of people trying to look for
My brother.
"HHHEEEEYYYYYY OOOOVVVVEEERRR HHHEEEAAARRR!!!" I hear my brothers load and obnoxious vioce yell at Me from about 20 feet away turning right I try not to bump into anyone or anything as I try to make my way over to America, ocasonaly I would get weird Stares from people as they passed by.
Wen I finnaly got to him he had a big smile on face along with a slight pink shade on his cheeks and surprisingly he was not wearing his uniform.
"Dude its been so long sence I last saw you." He says in a happy vioce and huged me tightly, I wasn't expecting it saw I tensed up and almost true to push him off before I could thow I remember that this is my brother and I am his ... brother, and plus this is just a common gesture of affection
Here in America, right?
Forgive me for not remembering it really has been a long time since I last visited him...
He let go of me and backed off. I saw his eyes wondering around looking sat me up and down. Why was he doing this?is he looking for something?
"W-what are you looking at?" I questioned him,but crap I let my shyness get the best of me.
He simply smiled and looked at me.
"Nothing, it's just you've changed so much since the last time I saw you."
He said. I raised an eyebrow, what did he mean I changed so much?
He took notice and continued soeaking.
"You've gotten taller, I remember wen you didn't even come up to my shoulders." He laughed a little.
"You've lost weight, remember Wen you had the most chubby cheeks."
He said making he blush lightly.
"Yeah..." I said a little bit embarrassed
"We should get going." He nodes and we walk out of the airport and into what I think is Alfred's car, witch was blue and the inside was white and had some red.
I thought as I got into the passenger driver side, and he got into the driver seat. The entire car smelled like fast food and in the back of the car the were countless hamburger wrappers.
Sighing I look out the window again and take in the environment of new York. Lots of tall buildings,many people. Everything that my country/state doesn't have.
"Hey, you ok you look sad?" America said grabbing my shoulder.
The truth is I'm not ok. I've never been ok. Today especially, I am haven't been to a wold meeting in so long, also my bangages are hurting
And making it hard to breath sometimes, God this makes me sound bitchy. But there is no way I'm telling big brother that.
"Yeah I'm completely fine." I lied.
He seemed to buy it, it's a good thing he hasn't changed that much over the years.
After about 15 minutes we had arrived at the meeting hall.
America stopped his car in a parking lot and we both got out.
Shutting the door behind me With a loud - ish boom, I walked behind Alfred in hopes that If we run across any of the other country's I could hide behind him, but that wouldn't work very good since I'm a little bit taller than him.
Why am I so stressed about seeing the other country's? It's because I've porpasly missed all world meetings
Because I didn't feel like going, that and my opinion means nothing because I'm nothing.
Sighing we walked to a pair of large doors that were white.
Alfred opened them and we steeped inside.
Inside it was a large hall way with multiple doors and paintings on the sides.
Alfred turn on a right and went to open the large door.
I panicked a little but and ducked behind america as the door opened.

-what will happen next? Find out in the next chapter-

Alaska ((hetalia oc))Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora