Start from the beginning

"Soo, how's work treating you other than a bitch?" Naaila asks, with a glass of warm milk in her hands, her silky black falling beside her face and she bent to rest it on the dark, wooden, coffee table. "I 'm sure you've got loads of work friends right now."

"Yeah actually, they're great, they always offer to take me to lunch and we went to the bar a couple of days ago."

"Great, because I seriously started to think that you just went to work and locked yourself in your office all day. That boss of yours doesn't give you a break, huh?" She asks rhetorically, I shake my head in response, forcing my lips into a tight line. "Speaking of, do you guys get along?" She smirks, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up." You playfully snap at her, trying to hide your smile at her silly mannerisms. " No seriously though, because it's so hard to talk to him, he's always just so serious and formal and professional." You explain to her .

"So he's always just doing his job."

"Well yeah, but it would be nice if I was friends with him. Aren't personal assistants kinda friends with their bosses?."

Naaila takes a beat before speaking up again, "Just don't force it, it'll happen when you're not focusing on getting closer to him." You nod as you listen to her, taking her words into consideration. A comfortable silence passes between the two of you.

"Is something burning?"

"Shit the cupcakes."

"You made cupcakes?"

"It was right next to the cookie mix." She shouts from the kitchen, the bitter and uncomfortable smell of the burning cupcakes, took over the peaceful atmosphere in the house and overshadowed the subtle aroma of the previously made cookies. Thick hot smoke creeps into the living room when Naaila's phone dings. A text message.

"Naaila." You call out to her.


"Exactly what is this?" You lift up her phone lock screen and showing it to her the notification from Gojo Satoru, or how she saved it on her phone 'Work Man.' "What's going on? You have to stop hiding stuff like this from me as if-"

"It's not a big deal." The both of you say at the same time. She sighs and sits down on the sofa next to you.


"It's just nothing we just text her and there." Amused, your eyebrows raise, piqing your interest.

 "What I mean it. I don't even like him like that I just need to get my mind off work sometimes."

"If you say so."

"I do say so."



The room breathes a sense of contentment, a place where time seemed to slow and the outside world faded into insignificance. The room is alive with the subtle, warm glow emitted by the carefully positioned lamps – their orange-tinted shades casting patterns of light and shadow upon the walls. Biting your lip as you get submerged into the piles of tasks that have to be completed, only for Naaila to interrupt.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Can't. Working. And you keep distracting me."

"Are we thinking Netflix or...." she disregards your earlier statement, picking up the remote.

"None. I'm thinking I don't wanna stay in my office hours after everyone's left."


"No, you already live here, it's nothing special that you're here."This irks Naaila, "What did you say?" 

"No, in a sense that, you're here all the time, so I don't need to give you all of my attention all the time." You explain, pleading for her forgiveness as you knew that dealing with her now would be even more of a hindrance to your work.

"Fine, if you wanna be that way." She sassily, storms off, walking to the kitchen.

"Naaila, I'm sorry- Why won't you delete?"

"Excuse me.""No not you my laptop.""I see how it is, just pay attention to your laptop instead of me."

"No Naaila, I'm sorry." You call out to her, clearly unothered and uncaring as it's evident in your tone. "I think you should get bangs, Nana." You smirk, hiding your face behind your laptop screen.

"It's like you want me to be mad at you."

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