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Ring. Ring. Ring.

It was your alarm. You rub your eyes and slowly remove the duvet from over you. You hang your legs of the side of your bed, turning of your alarm as you do so. You quickly change into your outfit for today and then start gathering your things you need such as your phone and credit card.

Mason is sat with Oakley in the living room. You smile. "i'm gonna head off can i borrow your car?"

Mason nods. "the keys are on the hook." You bend down and give Oakley a kiss on the head. "Right i'll see you both later make sure you watch me" You chuckle and tease. You grab the keys off the hook and grab your phone and purse. You walk down towards Mason's range rover unlocking the door and getting in. You place your paddock entry pass in a slot beneath the sat-nav alongside your phone, keys and card. You start the engine and make your way to the track. After 20 minutes of driving, you arrive at the track and grab your things from the slot beneath the sat-nav. You step out the car locking it and walking towards the entrance. You scan your paddock pass and meet up with Susie. She walks with you to the Alpine motorhome.

"how did you sleep?" Susie asks you whilst you walk. You smile "i slept okay thank you" You walk into the Alpine garage and walk to the engineers.

"how's the car? Is it looking driveable?" You say as you lean on the side. The engineer's give the car the all clear meaning it is suitable for you to drive for qualifying.

One of the strategists walks you throught the plans and stategies for today. You continue to discuss the strategies.

After 2 hours of discussing your plans.

Your in your driver room changing into your overalls. You put your race boots on and grab you helmet of it's stand. You make yourway to the garage bumping into Pierre on the way.
He checks out your helmet. "Your helmet looks sick Y/N. It really stands out."
You smile "Thanks i had this design planned all last season and was waiting for the right time to use it." You and Pierre seperate and walk to your cars. You fist bump him before putting your helmet on. "Good luck Pierre" 
He nods at you "Good luck to you too Y/N"

You both hop into the car buckling your seatbelts. Pierre was the first to drive out meanwhile you stay in the garage until there are 8 minutes left in Q1. Once there is 8 minutes remaining you drive out of the garage onto the track. You do a warm up lap which leaves 6 minutes left. You then do a flying lap which places you up to P4. Your on your second flying lap when Max Verstappen speeds past you almost causing you to crash.

You scream thriugh the radio. "What the f*ck was that? Is he stupid?"
"Copy Y/N we are repoting it to the FIA" You hear your team principle say.

The stunt max had just pulled caused you to drop down to P9. You cross the line and see that ther's 30 seconds remaining. "this lap is the one that counts" You hear a strategist say. 

You push yourself to the best you possibly can and when you cross the line you hear your engineer say "well done Y/N from P9 to P4." "wooo lets go. Well done everyone" You say full of joy. Your driving round the track slowly until you reach the pits again. "Who are in front of me?" You ask. Your team principle says through your radio "P1 is Max, P2 is Carlos, and P3 is Lewis"

"we're in for a bumpy ride then" You joke as you drive into the pits. The pit crew push your car into the garage and then you step out of your car. You walk over to Pierre and give him a friendly hug. "Congrats on P6 i expect to see you in my mirrors before the 5th lap" You tease as he laughs. You both take off your helmets and walk towards your driver rooms together.

《Rivals to Lovers》Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now