Sibling Time

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You walk towards the door after hearing Mason knock violently. You had left Oakley on her play mat with some toys. You open the door and Mason walks in. He gives you a hug. "it's been a while since i've seen my favourite sister."
Y/N smiles "awh Mason that's so sweet"
Mason teases you. "oh no not you Y/N i was talking about Oakley." He laughs as he sits on the floor next to her.

"How charming" You sit down on the sofa. You scroll through your phone whilst Mason is playing with Oakley in the background. You chuckle as you read some coments on your recent Instagram post.

"have you had food yet?" Mason peeks back at you. You shake your head "Was gonna order something in a bit. What do you feel like eating?"

"meat feast pizza?" Mason stands Oakley up in an attempt to get her walking.
Y/N nods "i'll order it now" You order the pizza and then plug your phone into your charger. You sit a fair distance from Oakley and Mason. You hold out your arms. "Oakley come here sweetheart"

Mason kneels on the floor holding both of Oakley's hands. He slowly edges Oakley to walk. "you got this Oakley go on" You smile.

"Y/N i just want to let you know i'm proud of you. You've come so far from when we were younger and your such a good maternal figure towards Oakley." Mason sits down as Oakley had given up and slumped herself on the floor.

You smile and stare at him."well she needs someone who she can talk to about things when she's older. Whether that's mum or it's me."

Mason and you continue to chat about your qualifying on Saturday until the pizza arrives. Y/N hands Mason the money as she takes Oakley from the middle of the room. Mason walks over to the door and grabs the food handing over the money; he then walks over to the table where you had sat down. Before hand you had placed Oakley in her bouncer so she was occupied whilst your eating. Whilst eating you take a picture of Mason.

After you had eaten, Mason joing you on the couch whilst you pull up Instagram on your phone. You scroll through your photos trying to find the photo you had just taken of Mason eating pizza

▪︎Posted 1 minute ago▪︎

Caption: Mason enjoying his pizza. Side rant why does he eat it with a knife and fork?

LN_4: He's so done with you😆《the_best_mount》🤣^Load 41 comments^

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LN_4: He's so done with you😆
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You can feel Mason's eyes on you. You start laughing. "really Y/N, really?" He smiles slightly.
"Yup, i had to" You slowly stop laughing.

Your both chatting away and catching up since the last time you had seen each other. You begin to ramble on about your mother and what will happen if she doesn't come back for Oakley this time. When you check the time you realise it's 9pm. 

You take Oakley -who was sleeping on the sofa next to you- in your arms as you stand up.
"i'm going to get an early night for free practice tomorrow. You can sleep in the spare bedroom i put your things in there already." You smile as you walk towards the nursery.

You hear Mason shout "thanks sister, your the best"
"I know i am" You say as you close the nursery door after putting Oakley to bed. "Good night Mase"
"Night Y/N" he says before you close your bedroom door. You change into your silk lilac pj's and tuck yourself into bed. You set your alarm for 6:30am so that you have plenty of time to get ready. You rest your head on your pillow and close your eyes. Before drifting to sleep you hear Mason shutting his bedroom door.

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