Don't Judge Me...Or Anyone Else

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The first thing you should know about me, or perhaps anyone, is that no two people are alike. I've already written all this on my profile, but it deserves a chapter in this book. We all have different ways of communicating, especially if some of us are autistic. Me for example, I don't attack people. I might say something that doesn't make sense, and I'm happy to clear it up for anyone. But if it still doesn't make sense, don't start an argument about it. Just say it still doesn't make sense and leave it, or say nothing at all. Don't make it into a problem.

A friend of mine recently replied to a comment I made on her story A YEAR AGO, saying it didn't make sense. And when I cleared it up for her, she took offense for no seeming reason, and kept fighting with me when I tried to explain myself. That might not have even been my autism. It sounded like she just wanted a fight. Don't turn other people into victims to sate your bad mood. That's bullying. And it's a big part of why I haven't been on Wattpad for a long time. I'm unwilling to check my Wattpad age every morning to find these attacks when all I did was say something that was on my mine with no hurtful words or intent.

From now on, let's all remember that; everyone is free to leave comments on stories. Does that give people the right to be mean? No. Does it give them the right to inevitably, occasionally not make sense. Absolutely. If something feels offensive, simply say that it does, explain why, and the problem might get resolved a lot quicker. The thing about the internet; there's no tone button, and emojis don't always cut it. So someone might think you're offending them, when you're really not. That's why communication is important, especially when someone, like someone with autism, has a different way of communicating. And I know it can be frustrating when the other person doesn't seem to understand what you're trying to tell them. Try to remain calm, but you are also entitled to your feelings. Let it out if you need to, but remember to try and let it out calmly. Turn to a friend if you need help. There's always a better way, and even I forget that sometimes, but don't insult someone because you don't like that they said. If you're defending yourself or someone else, start out calm and mature. That gives you more control over the conversation and allows you to be free to speak your mind.

If someone says something that doesn't make sense to you, make sure you let them know that it simply is a misunderstanding and not an attack. Don't let i t turn into a fight. If someone tells you they feel offended by something you said, let them know it was not your intent. In all other words; try to be friends. And don't turn the blame on the other person. You know when your right and if you're wrong, you're wrong, and there's no shame in admitting that. It is a very respectable thing to do because it takes a lot of courage to admit you're wrong. The easiest way to say it; "My bad," or "I'm Sorry." It can make things a lot quicker. Don't try to make it the other person's fault by making it sound like they're saying everything in an alien language or just doing it to offend you. That's lying.

Don't be like her

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Don't be like her. She's the worst villain I know.

You have every right to your feelings, so just say what they are, and do what you need to to feel better. Just don't spread it around. That's like the bug that starts a zombie apocalypse.

And never. EVER. blame the other person. Only do that if you know you're right. And still; be nice about it. Just tell them you feel like they're being mean to you. If you can't understand something someone said in a comment, don't get frustrated and start cursing or insulting. Or, get frustrated and let it out some other way.

Just don't make the other person feel like they're not welcome. And don't get people ganging up on them either. That's how you DEAL with bullies, at the very worst. Not how you BECOME one. Don't start an in-crowd because someone said something you don't understand and is trying to clear it up.

I hope I've cleared that up well enough.

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